DIGI-SOC (Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurship for societal challenges)

Programme: Erasmus+ Action Type: KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Acronym: DIGI-SOC. Status: Active. Start/end date: 01.11.2021/30.11.2023

Project objectives

The project has set out three principal objectives: (i) to cultivate innovative curricular methods that instil a cross-domain entrepreneurship mindset in students, addressing both social and economic challenges in collaboration with relevant stakeholders; (ii) to enhance digital competencies with practical applications in developing skills essential for fostering entrepreneurial activities, ensuring that these competencies are integral to core curricular models; (iii) to operate within a transnational environment, enabling participants to glean insights from each other and share best practices, while addressing pan-European challenges and perspectives that enrich and expand project outcomes.

Project Activities

Our focus has been on transforming transnational cooperation into robust curricular material that addresses the digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurial competencies of students, equipping them to confront societal challenges. To achieve this, the project has anchored its outcomes in the following activities: (i) mapping digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurial competencies; (ii) identifying or customizing existing curricular materials in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); (iii) facilitating international student projects to foster skill and competence acquisition through action learning; (iv) engaging with local communities to implement actions that enhance the entrepreneurial role of universities (the third mission of universities); (v) creating a pedagogical and informative handbook detailing the actions taken and results achieved.

Main Project Result

The handbook on "Digital skills and cross-domain entrepreneurial competencies" stands as the primary project outcome. It enables educators, teachers, and trainers globally to learn from a meticulously planned process, providing support to local groups associated with civic society in enhancing their understanding of effectively addressing societal challenges through dedicated digital society skills and enriched entrepreneurial mindsets.

The handbook is open access and available online.


Scientific Coordinator and Collaborative partners:

University of Economics in Katowice (Scientific Coordinator)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Scientific Partner)

University of Bologna (Scientific Partner)

Institut National de Recherche Pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (Scientific Partner)

Université de Lausanne (Scientific Partner)

Technical University of Kosice (Scientific Partner)

Mid Sweden University (Scientific Partner)

ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (Scientific Partner)

Ekonomicka Univerzita v Bratislave - University of Economics in Bratislava (Scientific Partner)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Scientific Partner)