NE Building

For the NE Building can be detected two phases of construction. The first dates to the Augustan period and is in ashlar masonry stone blocks. The second is in opus incertum and dates to the 2nd century AD, during the renewal of the Forum. The inside is decorated with fresco. The function is unknown. 

Behind this building there is a terrace located 5 m above the forum pavement. There are a series of parallel rooms and structures discovered on the terrace. There are three rooms that front the road, two of which were tabernae while the third seems to have been a shrine because there have been found platforms with burned deposits and ash. A large Roman sewers occupied most of the area beneath the road. The sewer and the three rooms were all built during the 2nd century AD.


Picture of the northeastern building and terraces from D. Hernandez and D. Çhondi, “The agora and the forum at Butrint: a new topography of the ancient urban center” in Lamboley, Perzhita, Skenderaj, L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'antiquité 6. Actes du 6e colloque international de Tirana (20 - 23 mai 2015), Paris, 2018, pp. 1-17

Bibliography on the subject


  • Hernandez D. R.e Çondi D., “The formation of Butrint: new insights from excavations in the Roman forum” in Proceedings of the international congress of Albanian archaeological studies. 65th anniversary of Albanian Archaeology (21-22 November, Tirana 2013), Tiranë, 2014, pp. 285-301
  • Hernandez D. R. e Çondi D., “The agora and the forum at Butrint: a new topography of the ancient urban center” in Lamboley, Perzhita, Skenderaj, L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'antiquité 6. Actes du 6e colloque international de Tirana (20 - 23 mai 2015), Paris, 2018, pp. 1-17
  • Hernandez D. R., "Excavations of the Roman Forum at Butrint (2004-2007): The Archaeology of a Hellenistic and Roman Port in Epirus", PhD Dissertation at the University of Cincinnati, 2010