Scientific Board

Valentina Vetri

Valentina Vetri

University of Bologna (Coordinator of the project)

Valentina Vetri is a translator and lecturer in English language and linguistics. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies from the University of Birmingham, UK. As a translator, she has collaborated with the publishing houses Rusconi, Rubbettino, Gherardo Casini, and Cue Press, publishing Italian translations of English authors such as Oscar Wilde, G.K. Chesterton, Ford Madox Ford, and Laura Wade. She has published academic articles on contrastive linguistics, translation and pragmatics. Her research interests concern, in particular, the relationship between language and culture, applied to both translation and intercultural pragmatics; she also works on stylistics, particularly of theatrical texts. At the moment she is researching the language of manipulation in domestic violence and coercive control

Elena Lamberti

Elena Lamberti

University of Bologna (Coordinator of the project)

Elena Lamberti (Full Professor, North American Literatures) is a specialist of Modernist Literature, Cultural Memory, Literature and Media Ecology, War Literature, Literature and Cognitive Sciences. She is the author of eight volumes and of a number of essays and book-chapters on Anglo-American Modernism and American/Canadian literature and culture. She pursues an interdisciplinary methodology of research where literature stands at the core of innovative investigations of complex ecosystems. Her volume Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies (2012) received the MEA Award 2016 - Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology. She serves in a variety of editorial boards including Explorations in Media Ecology (EME); Wi: Journal of Mobile MediaThe International Journal of McLuhan Studies; as well as book series. She has been invited as visiting scholar and course director in various North American and Chinese Universities. She is affiliated to the Mobile Media Lab, Concordia University di Montreal and to the Media Ethics Lab, University of Toronto.