
Services for students with special needs

Our aim is to ensure equal learning opportunities by identifying and planning with each student the steps to be taken to allow them to study and take exams as effectively as possible. We offer support for students with disabilities and learning disorders, from the moment they are admitted to the University and throughout their studies.

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NEW: advice about strategies and tools useful for the studying and learning process!

It’s possible to ask for one-on-one advice about strategies and tools useful for the studying and learning process.

The advice will take place online or in person at Tecnolab, located on the ground floor via Zamboni 38. Tecnolab has been recently renewed and there you can find technological aids and PCs useful to know and to try on.

The advice sessions are managed by experts who cooperate with our office for this purpose. For further information or to book an advice session, contact us!

Service Charter

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Service satisfaction surveys

The Service for Students with Disabilities and SLD pursues the continuous improvement of services rendered to students. With this in mind, it carries out periodic surveys (normally every two years) to find out the opinions of students with disabilities and SLD regarding the services provided to them.

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