Report 1 - Characteristic features of remote discourse

The goals of this report (see Index), within the SHIFT in Orality – Shaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today project are:

Defining a theoretical framework and a definition of orality in relation with writing and with simulated, hybrid and multimodal forms.

Describing the theoretical and methodological references that define an updated framework for the analysis and description of spoken language and conversation, both in Spanish and Italian.

Presenting the mechanisms of spontaneous conversation as a prototypical form of spoken language, with special reference to the differences between face-to-face and remote.

Providing a characterising linguistic analysis of spoken language with Spanish and Italian and contrastive studies.

Building a framework for the construction of a hypertext towards topics that are typical of spoken language, such as

  1. Cortesía (E. Pérez Vázquez)
  2. Discurso referido (E. Pérez Vázquez)
  3. Marcadores discursivos (E. Flores Acuña)

 and forms of face-to-face (services and istitutionals) and remote communication:

  1. Telefonate di servizio, monolingue spagnolo e italiano (R. Tonin).
  2. Incontri medici faccia a faccia e telefonate di servizio in ambito sanitario: un confronto (A. Amato);
  3. La comunicazione monolingue in ambito legale: alcuni aspetti dell’interazione presenziale (M Russo);
  4. Características generales de la conversación telefónica y su representación en ámbito judicial (M. J. González);
  5. Video-mediated communication (S. Braun y E. Davitti).

The report is intended for members of the academic world (and, more specifically, in the fields of language, linguistics and interpreting) who wish to approach the topic of orality for the first time, and find a general overview of the topics involved in a critical and reasoned perspective.

The tone is expositive and schematic (only essential examples are provided) with i) a general introduction to the proposed topic or sub-topic in reference to an updated bibliography; ii) an exposition of the theory or methodology used; iii) an exposition of the contents, with special reference to the pragmatic perspective, which is its main and carachterising part; iv) an approach to the didactic and contrastive difficulties of the topic. 


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