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Seminar on postgraduate opportunities at the College of Europe: advanced masters in European Studies

Titolo e data della conferenza
  • Data: 07 NOVEMBRE 2022  dalle 19:00 alle 21:00

  • Luogo: Aula 3 Teaching Hub, Viale Corridoni 20 - Forlì

  • Tipo: Conferenze

Locabdina della conferenza
Locabdina della conferenza

Punto Europa of the Forlì Campus in collaboration with the College of Europe invites students to a meeting on postgraduate opportunities. The Natolin campus (Warsaw) and the Bruges campus of the College of Europe offer advanced Masters in European Studies.

Many partial and full scholarships are available for Italian and international students, offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and / or the European Union. During the meeting, a representative of the College of Europe will answer questions from interested students regarding the educational offer, selections, scholarships and career opportunities.