- Instruments for the processing of polymeric materials:
- Several Electrospinning facilities with humidity and temperature control, coaxial and multiple needles, collectors for the production of non-wovens made of random fibers and highly aligned fibers and bundles
- 3D-Bioprinter
- Hot press
- Miniature mixing-injection molding machine
- Vacuum oven
- Spin Coater
- Temperature-controlled shaking bath
- Instruments for the thermo-mechanical characterization of materials:
- Differential scanning calorimeter and Modulated-DSC
- Thermogravimetric analyzer
- Dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer
- Dynamometer
- Rheometer
- Instruments for the morphological and structural characterization of materials:
- Polarized Optical Microscope with hot stage
- Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Wide angle X-ray Diffractometer with heating device
- Optical tensiometer for surface contact angle, surface energy and surface tension measurements
- UV-Vis and ATR-IR spectrometers
- Gel Permeation chromatography
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