
Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies.

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17 DECEMBER 2024


Who is at higher risk to develop Post-COVID-19 Syndrome?

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Analysis of a cohort of non-hospitalised individuals

16 DECEMBER 2024


Color Corrections

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Possibilities of color in architecture today

10 DECEMBER 2024


Palestine, De-Development and the Quest for Justice

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The complexities of Palestine's de-development

03 DECEMBER 2024


Contested Leisure-scapes of Planetary Urbanisation: Articulating “Healthy City” Infrastructures, Sustainable Urban Visions, and their Margins

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Articulating “Healthy City” Infrastructures, Sustainable Urban Visions, and their Margins

26 NOVEMBER 2024


Aerobic and anaerobic evaluations in sport and health

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Multidisciplinary approaches using portable technologies and integrative computational models

11 NOVEMBER 2024


Unity and diversity. An analysis of regional inequality in European and American federal countries through the equalization system from a constitutional and fiscal perspective.

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The "federal dilemma", subsidiarity vs solidarity

29 OCTOBER 2024


Risks in the Transition to Circular Economy in the Construction Sector

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Risks and challenges of green transition in the construction industry

22 OCTOBER 2024


Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: Collaborative Advances in 21st-Century Healthcare

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Toward finding personalized treatments through genetic profiling

15 OCTOBER 2024


Tragic spectatorship from ancient thought to modern experimental psychology

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Analyzing the "pleasure" and identification in watching distressing plays or movies

08 OCTOBER 2024


Challenges of global climate change: possible paths through shared decisions

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

On climate change, when unity is strength



People are STRANGE

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Thee Situated, TRANsactional and GEnerative process: synergy of enactive and situated perspectives from philosophy and archaeology

18 JUNE 2024


The Art of the Impossible that makes Cloud Computing and Blockchains possible

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Revolutionary possibilities of cloud computing and blockchains in data storage and exchange