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13 DECEMBER 2021
07 JANUARY 2022

Shaping ideas

Call 4 Entrepreneurship & Humanities

The top three ranking students will have the chance to take part in a 3-day event called “Entrepreneurship and Humanities”, which will be held from 9 to 11 February

21 DECEMBER 2021

Shaping ideas

Enterprises, Impact, and Sustainable Development

Online event

An opportunity to discuss the topics on the 2030 Agenda and the implementation of sustainable policies within structured corporations and innovative start-ups

17 DECEMBER 2021

Shaping ideas

Startup in Africa: the future is now

Online event

Call4StartUp: how to submit a winning project focused on Africa and be selected for the StartUp Day 2022 event

14 DECEMBER 2021

Shaping ideas

StartUp Day: how to apply for Call4StartUp

@Aula Magna, Università di Bologna, Via Ugo Foscolo 7, 40123 Bologna

Do you have an innovative business idea or start-up? Tips e tricks to apply and be selected for the StartUp Day 2022 event

06 DECEMBER 2021

Improving your skills

Advanced Academy

On location and online seminar

A series of meetings dedicated to teachers, researchers, research fellows and PhD students in support of the creation of businesses that bring value to research results.

19 NOVEMBER 2021

Inspiring experiences

Call for Ambassador StartUp Day 2022

If you are an innovation enthusiast and you want to live an amusing and training experience, join our Team by applying to the Call for Ambassador. Call deadline: 19 novembre 2021 at 12 p.m

17 NOVEMBER 2021

Business development

PDAI - Pitches and Post-accreditation service

How to effectively pitch your idea What services does Almacube offer as an incubator? A meeting to clarify these aspects. For start-ups selected at the Start-up Day and for students.

27 OCTOBER 2021

Business development

PDAI - Economic and financial evaluation

We will see what an economic and financial plan is, and above all why it is fundamental for planning a new business. For start-ups selected at the Start-up Day and for students.

22 OCTOBER 2021

Inspiring experiences

Social Business Change - Candidatures for the hackathon open

A workshop programme aiming to develop new ideas in different fields: cryptocurrencies, co-designing the museum experience, energy transition, solutions for areas at risk of natural disasters. Deadline for applications: 15 October 2021 at 12.00 hrs.

13 OCTOBER 2021

Business development

PDAI - C2C, B2C, B2B: Sales and Negotiations

Strategies for targeting sales and making winning choices. For start-ups selected at the Start-up Day and for students.

11 OCTOBER 2021

Inspiring experiences


A hackathon to test your skills and experience challenges similar to those encountered by those who work on carbon neutral packaging projects on a daily basis. Applications are open until 6 October 2021.


Business development

PDAI - Validation tools: Interview/Surveys

Understanding people’s choices and behaviour and assessing the effectiveness of the solution we offer: this is what we will find out how to do in this meeting. For start-ups selected at the Start-up Day and for students.