
On 7-Feb-2023
Ursula MOLTER Best 'Good' Subspace Data Fitting
within the seminar CoDex seminar

On 20-Jan-2023
Ursula MOLTER Best Subspace Data Fitting
within the seminar Seminario BCAM

On 12-Jan-2023
Ursula MOLTER Aproximación por Subespacios óptimos
within the seminar Seminario de Análisis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

On 22-Sep-2022
Ursula MOLTER Aproximación por Subespacios óptimos
plenary talk Congreso de la UMA, 2022

On 23-Sep-2019
Ursula MOLTER Approximation by group invariant subspaces”
plenary talk Conferencein Honor of J.J. 80'st birthday

On 12-Jul-2019
Ursula MOLTER Approximation by group invariant subspaces”
plenary talk SAMPTA 2019

On 2-Nov-2022
Leandro DEL PEZZO Teoremas del tipo Liouville para el $p-$laplaciano fraccionario
within the seminar Mathematical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Universidad de La Laguan, Tenerife, España

On 14-Feb-2020
Diana Agustina CARBAJAL Diagonalization of Shift-Preserving Operators
within the seminar Seminatio de Análisis y Aplicaciones, UAM
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On 10-Feb-2020
Diana Agustina CARBAJAL Diagonalization of Shift-Preserving Operators
within the seminar Light PhD Seminar, BCAM
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On 11-jul-2019
Diana Agustina CARBAJAL Frames by Iterations in Shift-invariant Spaces.
within the conference SAMPTA 2019
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On 16-jul-2021
Victoria PATERNOSTRO Frames generated by the action of a discrete group
within the conference Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2021, Special ses- sion Harmonic Analysis, Fractal Geometry, and Applications
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On 11-oct-2019
Andrea OLIVO Maximal operators for cube skeletons
within the seminar Seminario de Análisis y Aplicaciones, UAM

On 14-Nov-2019
Andrea OLIVO Weighted estimates for maximal operators and cube skeletons
within the seminar Seminario of Analysis, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao.

On 19-Sep-2018
Carolina MOSQUERA Self-similar measures: asymptotic bounds for the dimension and Fourier decay of smooth images
within the seminar Seminario of Analysis, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao.

On 16-Feb-2023
Miguel BERASATEGUI Bases casi incondicionales y el algoritmo greedy
talk Universidad de La Rioja

On 23-Feb-2023
Miguel BERASATEGUI Bases casi incondicionales y su relación con el algoritmo greedy
within the seminar Seminario de Análisis Funcional "Rey Pastor" Universidad de Murcia

On 21-sep-2021
Noemi WOLANSKI Comportamiento asintótico en el tiempo en problemas de difusión en RN
within the conference Reunión Anual de la Unión Matemática Argentina

On 18-Nov-2021
Noemi WOLANSKI Large time asymptotics for time/space fractional diffusion equations in RN
within the seminar PDE Seminar (IMECC), Brazil

On 29-aug-2022
Noemi WOLANSKI Comportamiento asintótico en el tiempo en problemas de difusión en RN
within the seminar CIEM, Córdoba, Argentina

On 27-aug-2020
Noemi WOLANSKI Fractional heat equations with memory in RN. Behavior in Lp(RN)
within the seminar RJ webseminar, Brazil

On 5-may-2023
Noemi WOLANSKI Time asymptotics in space/time fractional diffusion equations in RN
within the seminar PDE Seminar, UAM, Spain

On 22-Feb-2018
Ezequiel RELA Reverse Holder inequalities. Some recent results and extensions to LCA groups
within the seminar Seminario del grupo de An alisis & PDE, BCAM. Bilbao, España

On 2-Feb-2018
Ezequiel RELA Asymptotically sharp Reverse Holder inequalities for at weights
within the seminar Seminario del Departamento de Matemática de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España

On 12-jun-2018
Carlos CABRELLI Sampling and interpolation in Paley-Wiener spaces
within the seminar Sampling day seminar - Departamento de Matemática de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

On 02/july/2019
Carlos CABRELLI In search of the right model for a given set of data
within the seminar Invited talk - Acoustic Research Institute-Austrian Academy of Science

On November 2028
Carlos CABRELLI Recent Advances in Dynamical Sampling
plenary talk Encuentro Nacional de Analistas

On 12 August 2019
Carlos CABRELLI El problema del Sampling
within the seminar Colloquio CIEM – FAMAF- Cordoba Argentina

On 2 October 2019
Carlos CABRELLI Recent Advances in Dynamical Sampling
within the seminar Seminar, Dept. of Math University of Waterloo Canada

On November 30 2020
Carlos CABRELLI Frames by Operator Orbitas
Online seminar FFT seminar - University of Maryland

On March 9th, 2022
Carlos CABRELLI Dynamical Sampling, Orbits of Operatore and Model spaces
plenary talk Workshop on Computational Harmonic Analysis and Linear Algebra - Field Institut Canada

On December 2022
Carlos CABRELLI Subespacios Optimos
plenary talk RESME-UMA

On Febrero 2023
Carlos CABRELLI Muestreo Dynámico, Iteración de Operadores y espacios de Hardy
within the seminar Seminario de Análisis Matemático y Matemática Aplicada – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

On December 2022
Agustin MUÑOZ GONZALEZ Modelo de un mercado teórico por Caginalp et al
within the conference RSME-UMA
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On December 2022
Juan SEQUEIRA Modelo de un mercado teórico por Caginalp et al
within the conference RSME-UMA
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On February 2022
Claudia LEDERMAN Free Boundary Regularity for a One-phase Problem with Non-standard Growth
within the conference ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations - 2022, Sao Carlos-SP, Brazil

On March 2022
Claudia LEDERMAN Free Boundary Regularity for a One-phase Problem with Non-standard Growth
within the seminar Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, Italy,

On December 2022
Claudia LEDERMAN Free Boundary Regularity for a One-phase Problem with Non-standard Growth
within the conference Workshop on Recent Developments in Harmonic Analysis, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, Buenos Aires, Argentina

On May 2023
Claudia LEDERMAN Free Boundary Regularity for a One-phase Problem with Non-standard Growth
within the conference IX Congress on Applied, Computational and Industrial Mathematics MACI 2023 (SIAM), Santa Fe, Argentina

On Trento, 30 juin 2022.
Pierre PANSU Flat compactness of normal Rumin currents on the Heisenberg group,
Colloque Geomtric Analysis in Metric Measure Spaces,

On 6 décembre 2022.
Pierre PANSU Isopérimétrie, trou spectral et analyse topologique des données,
Colloquium du Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand,

On 26-27 janvier 2023.
Pierre PANSU Du groupe d'Heisenberg vers les espaces Lp (2023),
mini-cours, Journées Louis Antoine, Rennes,

On 19-20 juin 2023.
Pierre PANSU Nilpotent groups and their asymptotic cones,
Summer school Sub-riemannian geometry and beyond. III. A gist on Lie groups in Pisa,

On 15 août 2023.
Pierre PANSU Quasiconformal classification of 3D contact Lie groups (2023),
Quasiworld workshop, Helsinki,

On 11 octobre 2023.
Pierre PANSU Computing homology robustly: The geometry of normed chain complexes.
Colloque Statistics in metric spaces, ENSAE,

On July 3-5, 2023.
Guy DAVID Absolute continuity of harmonic measure on some Cantor sets.
GHAIA Closing Conference, Bologna,

On June 6-9, 2023.
Guy DAVID Absolutely continuous harmonic measure on Cantor sets.
Treil-Volberg Conference, Wuerzburg,

On Nancy, December 13--14, 2022.
Guy DAVID Regularity of sets in a (for instance convex) domain that minimize the perimeter.
Workshop GMT and Calculus of Variations,

On Pisa, 10-15 July 2022.
Guy DAVID Regularity (quantitative convexity) of the boundary for subsets of a convex domain that almost minimize the perimeter.
Regularity Theory for Free Boundary and Geometric Variational Problems II.

On June 22, 2022.
Guy DAVID A good elliptic operator for the elliptic measure on the Garnett-Ivanov Cantor set.
Workshop on Analysis and PDEs, Barcelona (UAB)

On June 20-24, 2022
Guy DAVID Regularity of the boundary vs approximation of the Green function for elliptic operators.
44th Summer Symposium in Real Analysis, Paris/Orsay,

On May 23, 2022
Guy DAVID An elliptic operator on the four-corner Cantor set, with elliptic measure proportional to $H^1$.
CBMS lecture in Florida State University (remote)

On May 16th-20th, 2022
Guy DAVID Uniform rectifiability, harmonic measure, and approximation of the Green function by distance functions
Harmonic Analysis and PDE in Seoul Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

On 28/03/2022-01/04/2022.
Guy DAVID The landscape law for the integrated density of states.
Conference on localization of waves, Les Diablerets,

On February 18, 2022.
Guy DAVID Estimates for the number of eigenvalues of a Schr\"odinger
Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves Annual Meeting,

On Jan 26, 2022.
Guy DAVID A story of the landscape function and its relations with eigenvectors of a Schr\"odinger operator $L = - \Delta V$.
HIM, Bonn, seminar

On October 25th 2022
Fausto FERRARI A couple of words about free boundary worlds
TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2021/2022, University of Bologna

On October 20-21, 2022
Fausto FERRARI Some regularity results about a one-phase free boundary problem governed by a nonstandard growth operator
Workshop on Fractional Calculus Modelling at its best (FRACALMO)
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On May 30-June 3, 2022
Fausto FERRARI Regularity results for a free boundary problem governed by a nonstandard growth operator
Mostly maximum principle, Cortona, 4th edition, Indam meeting,
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On 11-Nov-21
Fausto FERRARI One-phase problems for inhomogeneous equations governed by the $p(x)-$Laplace operator.
On line seminar at the University of Western Australia,

On October 11-15, 2021,
Fausto FERRARI Flat Free boundary regularity in one-phase problems for inhomogeneous equations ruled by the p(x)-Laplace operator, October 15th, 2021.
Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, Levico terme
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On February 28, 2022
Mauricio Enrique ELIZALDE MEJIA Intertemporal Cost-Efficient Consumption
within the seminar Department of Statistics and Applied Probability Seminar, University of California Santa Barbara Center for Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Research (CFMAR)
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On May 3, 2023
Jorge RUIZ CASES Positivity and asymptotic behaviour of a general nonocal fast diffusion equation
within the conference Worshop in Probability and Partial Differential Equations Universidad de Buenos Aires

On September 14, 2023
Jorge Abel ANTEZANA Comments on the HRT conjecture
within the seminar Functional Analysis Seminar Universidad de Buenos Aires

On October 12, 2022
Peio IBBARRONDO MURGUIALDAY Gradient Flow solutions and Brezis-Komura Theorem
within the seminar Techniques in Analysis Seminar University of Texas at Austin

On October 21, 2022
Peio IBBARRONDO MURGUIALDAY Nonlocal Fast Diffusion Equation on bounded domains
within the seminar Junior Analysis Seminar University of Texas at Austin

On 26th of May, 2023
Blanca BERBEL FERNANDEZ Emergence of sequential dynamical invariants in CPG building-blocks
within the seminar Mathematics and Biology - Tim Lewis group seminar Department of Mathematics, UC Davis

On 3rd of August, 2023
Blanca BERBEL FERNANDEZ Computational and modelling study of the ectopic electrical synapses between relay neurons of the mature thalamus due to the early Tsc1 deletion
within the seminar Mathematics and Biology - Tim Lewis group seminar Department of Mathematics, UC Davis

On September 20, 2022
Irene GONZALVEZ Comportamiento asintótico de las soluciones del problema de difusión-reacción KPP en el espacio hiperbólico
within the conference LXXI Reunión de Comunicaciones Científicas de la Reunión de la Unión Matemática Argentina Universidad Nacional de Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina

On October 20, 2022
Irene GONZALVEZ Comportamiento asintótico de las soluciones del problema de difusión-reacción KPP en el espacio hiperbólico
within the seminar Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico Universidad de Buenos Aires

On May 3, 2023
Irene GONZALVEZ A Widder type theorem for general Lévy operators
within the conference Worshop in Probability and Partial Differential EquationsUniversidad de Buenos Aires

On 23 March 2023
Giovanna CITTI A Geometric model of the hand area of the motor cortex
within the semester PNC SEMINARS, Padova,

On October 17, 2023
Giovanna CITTI A geometric model of the visual and motor cortex
within the semester Topology and Geometry in Neuroscience Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
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On September 25 2023
Giovanna CITTI Regularity of solution of sub-Riemannian type operators
within the semester Analysis/PDE Seminar WPI

On 24-Apr-23
Giovanna CITTI A Geometric model of the hand area of the motor cortex
within the semester Analyiss seminar, Madrid

On 18- 22 July, 2022
Giovanna CITTI Double layer potential method for Schauder estimates in the Heisenberg group,
AMS-EMS-SMF 2022 Grenoble,

On October 2022
Giovanna CITTI Schauder estimates at the boundary,
within the semester Geometric Aspects of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

On October 2022 Genova
Giovanna CITTI Lie symmetries in CNNs and in the visual cortex,
within the conference Applied Harmonic Analysis and Machine Learning 2022

On 11 luglio 2022,
Giovanna CITTI Hölder regularity for weak solutions of Kolmogorov equations with measurable coefficients
withinthe seminar Analysis seminar Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

On 27 giugno 2022,
Giovanna CITTI A system Identification problem expressed via Lipschitz regularized neural Network ,
Joint Academia dei Lincei-CAMS EHESS, Paris seminar

On May-22
Giovanna CITTI Analisi e PDEs per le neuroscienze cognitive,
Accademia dei Lincei Roma,

On March, 27, 2022.
Giovanna CITTI Double layer potential method for Schauder estimates in the Heisenberg group,
within the conference AMS Special Session on Analysis and Probability in Sub-Riemannian Geometry,

On Trento, 17 Marzo 2022.
Giovanna CITTI Lie symmetries in CNN architectures,
Machine learning seminar

On 16/12/2019
Giovanna CITTI n modèle différentiel du devenir hétéregène
within the seminar Ecole normale supérieure Paris

On 12/12/2019
Giovanna CITTI Schauder estimates at the boundary in Carnot groups
within the seminar WPI Analysis seminar

On 02/12/2019
Giovanna CITTI Schauder estimates at the boundary in Carnot groups
within the seminar John Hopkins Analysis seminar

On 31/10/2019
Yago ANTOLÍN Topología de los conos positivos de los grupos límite
within the seminar Topology Seminar, Universidad de Buenos Aires
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On 11/10/2019
Andrea OLIVO Maximal operators for cube skeletons
within the seminar Analysis and Applications Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/ICMAT
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On 11/10/2019
Noemí WOLANSKI Un problema de minimización que involucra perímetro y crecimiento no estándar
within the conference Autumn day on PDEs, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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On 11/10/2019
Alejandro GÁRRIZ Coupling of local and non-local operators
within the conference Autumn day on PDEs, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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On 09/10/2019
José CONDE ALONSO Noncommutative martingales in product settings
within the seminar Analysis Seminar, Washington University.
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On 25/09/2019
Rita FIORESI Harish-Chandra representations and Symmetric Superspaces
within the conference Supermoduli, Sissa, Trieste, Settembre 2019

On 25/09/2019
Davide BARBIERI Signal processing and group representations
within the conferene Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics

On 17/09/2019
Rita FIORESI Quantum flags, quantum line bundles and the Quantum Duality Principle
within the conference Quantum Flags in Prague, 2019

On 26/08/2019
Rita FIORESI The exponential of nilpotent supergroups
within the conference Geometry and Science of Information theory, University of Toulouse, Agosto 2019

On 13/08/2019
Davide BARBIERI Optimal translational-rotational invariant dictionaries for images
within the conference SPIE Conference Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, San Diego.
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On 10/07/2019
Ursula MOLTER Approximation by crystal invariant subspaces
within the conference 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux.
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On 02/07/2019
Carlos CABRELLI In Search of the Right Model for a Given Set of Data
within the seminar Numerical and Harmonic Analysis (NuHAG) Seminar, Austrian Academy of Science.
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On 07/06/2019
Alice CHANG Conformal geometry on 4-manifolds
Colloquium, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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On 06/06/2019
Paul YANG Remarks on a theorem of Gursky
within the seminar Analysis and PDEs Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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On 04/06/2019
Rita FIORESI Quantum Principal bundles
at the Dipartimento di Matematica Universita' di Tor Vergata

On 08/05/2019
Dario PIGHIN Rotors imbalance suppression by optimal control
within the seminar Applied Mathematics Seminar, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid/ICMAT.
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On 01/05/2019
Rita FIORESI Harish-Chandra supermodules and supersymmetric pairs
at the Dipartimento di Avogadro, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale

On 01/03/2019
Rita FIORESI Quantum Principal bundles over projective bases,
at the Dipartimento di Matematica ,UC Riverside (USA)

On 19/02/2019
Luca CAPOGNA Subriemannian Geometry and Beyond, II
within the conference Subriemannian Geometry and Beyond, II, 18th-22nd February 2019, Jyväskylä, Finland

On 23/01/2019
Mayte PÉREZ El poder de los cabezotas
within the seminar Applied Mathematics Seminar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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On 18/01/2019
Mayte PÉREZ Modelos de formación de opinión con agentes inflexibles
within the seminar Analysis and Applications Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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On 16/12/2018
Serena FEDERICO Sufficient conditions for local solvability of some degenerate partial differential operators,
within the seminar PDE and Geometric Analysis Seminar, UW- Madison Dept. of Mathematics, Madison, Wisconsin.

On 10/12/2018
Serena FEDERICO Sufficient conditions for local solvability of some degenerate partial differential operators
within the seminar MIT PDE/Analysis Seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

On 23/11/2018
Eugenio HENÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ The Weak Thresholding Chevyshev Greedy Algorithm
within the conference XIV Encuentro Nacional de Analistas A. P. Calderón (ARG)
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On 22/11/2018
Davide BARBIERI Approximation by group invariant subspaces
within the conference XIV Encuentro Nacional de Analistas A. P. Calderón (ARG)
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On 01/10/2018
Rita FIORESI istemi di radici di Kostant: applicazioni
within the conference Combinatoria dei sistemi di radici, SNS Pisa, Ottobre 2018

On 20/09/2018
Javier ARAMAYONA On the abelianization of (pure) big mapping class groups
within the seminar Geometry & Topology Seminar, Yale University.
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On 17/09/2018
Eugenio HENÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ A tour of non-linear approximation with the greedy algorithm
within the seminar Analysis Seminar, Washingtons University St. Louis (USA)
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On 13/09/2018
Eugenio HENÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ Some results on the Chebyshev greedy algorithm
within the seminar Analysis Seminar, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (USA)
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On 07/09/2018
within the seminar Ghaia seminar, Bologna (IT)
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On 28/06/2018
Luca CAPOGNA Curvature equations in Carnot groups
within the seminar Ghaia seminar, Bologna (IT)
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On 12/06/2018
Carlos CABRELLI Sampling and interpolation in Paley-Wiener spaces
within the conference Sampling Day Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. (ES)
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On 12/06/2018
Ursula MOLTER Dynamical Sampling
within the conference Sampling Day Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, (ES)
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On 07/06/2018
Steven ZUCKER Critical Contours Anchor Shape Inferences
within the minisimposium Recent trends in photometric 3D reconstruction - with the conference SIAM conference in Imaging science Bologna (IT)
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On 29/05/2018
Steven ZUCKER Critical Contours Anchor Shape Inferences
within the conference Neuromathematics of vision, University of Bologna (IT)
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On 22/05/2018
Julio Daniel ROSSI Maximal solution for the infinity-eigenvalue,
within the seminar Applied Mathematics Seminar, UCM, (ES)
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On 19/05/2018
Carlos CABRELLI Akram's 1/2 question
within the conference 7th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vanderbilt University.
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On 19/05/2018
Ursula MOLTER r A^2 dynamics: Dynamical Sampling Akram's way
within the conference 7th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vanderbilt University.
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On 17/05/2018
Davide BARBIERI A new approach to non square integrability for irreducible representations of semidirect products
within the conference 7th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vanderbilt University.
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On 08/05/2018
Antonella RITORTO Homogenization and optimal design in nonlocal diffusion
within the seminar Nonlinear Analysis Seminar, Università di Milano (IT)
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On 06/04/2018
Antonella RITORTO Optimal partition problems for the fractional Laplacian
within the seminar Nonlinear Diffusion Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, (ES)
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On 29/03/2018
Lorenzo RUFFONI Bubbles: symmetries, deformations and an application to monodromy of ODEs
within the seminar Ghaia seminar, Bologna (IT)
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On 16/03/2018
Tobias Holck COLDING the level set method for motion by mean curvature
within the seminar Colloquium UAM- ICMAT, Madrid (ES)
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On 15/03/2018
Gianmarco GIOVANNARDI A notion of area for immersed submanifolds in a sub-Riemannian geometry
within the seminar Special Seminar in Geometric Analysis, Princeton University (USA),
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On 22/02/2018
Lorenzo RUFFONI Geometric structures on surfaces with a maximal number of symmetries,
within the seminar Geometric Group Theory, Ohio State University (USA),
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On 22/02/2018
Ezequiel RELA Reverse Hölder inequalities. Some recent results and extensions to LCA groups
within the seminar BCAM Seminar, Bilbao,
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On 08/02/2018
Ezequiel RELA Some Kakeya type problems
within the seminar IMUS Seminar, Sevilla, (ES)
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On 02/02/2018
Ezequiel RELA Asymptotically sharp Reverse Hölder inequalities for flat weights,
within the seminar Analysis and Applications Seminar, Madrid (ES)
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On 01/02/2018
Rita FIORESI Deep Learning tecniques for detecting preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions in human colorectal cancer histological images
within the conference New Deep learning techniques, Ipam, UCLA

On 27/01/2018
Manuel RITORÉ Tubular neighborhoods in the sub-Riemannian Heisenberg group
within the conference Sub-Riemannian Geometry Harmonic Analysis, PDE and Applications
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On 27/01/2018
Juan MANFREDI Some random walks in the Heisenberg group
within the conference Sub-Riemannian geometry Harmonic Analysis PDE and applications, Bologna (IT)
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On 18/01/2018
Lorenzo RUFFONI Monodromy of ODEs and deformations of complex projective structures on surfaces
within the seminar Geometry & Topology, Yale University (USA),
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On 10/01/2018
Yannick SIRE Fractional Poincaré Inequalities
within the seminar Ghaia seminar, Bologna (IT)
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On 15/12/2017
Davide BARBIERI Calderón-type inequalities for frames on LCA groups
within the conference RSME-UMA, 11-15/12/2017, Buenos Aires
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On 05/12/2017
Matteo BONFORTE Nonlinear and nonlocal degenerate diffusion equations on bounded domains,
within the seminar PDE/Analysis Seminar MIT, (USA)
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On 21/11/2017
Giovanna CITTI Schauder estimates at the boundary in Carnot groups,
within the seminar PDE/Analysis Seminar MIT, (USA)
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On 14/11/2017
Giovanna CITTI A Sub-Riemannian model of visual perception,
within the seminar Mathematical Sciences - Analysis & PDE Seminar, WPI (USA),
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On 05/11/2017
Giovanna CITTI Regularity at the boundary for Subelliptic PDE
within the conference Analysis and geometry on pseudohermitian manifolds, 6-10/11/2017, AIM, San José, CA (USA),
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