Prof. Giovanna Citti (UNIBO), Prof. Patrizia Fattori (UNIBO), Prof. Alessandro Sarti (CNRS)
Tuesday, May 29 - h 14:15 - aula Pincherle (2nd floor)
Scope is to provide students with an introduction to Neuromathematics. With instruments of differential geometry in anisotropic structures and experimental brain data, we will build efficient models of the visual cortex, with applications to image processing and visual perception.
Prof. Steven Zucker - Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science (USA)
Prof. Fabio Anselmi - LCSL joint lab between MIT and IIT (USA / Italy)
14:00 - 14:05 Intro: Giovanna Citti, Alessandro Sarti
14:05 - 15:05 Steve Zucker "Critical Contours Anchor Shape Inferences"
15:05 - 16:05 Fabio Anselmi "Invariant and selective image representations for efficient deep networks with applications to visual cortex"
16:05 - 16:20 coffee break
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