Interreg IIIC South completed Projects

ERE (Espace Riviere Europe)

Programme: Interreg IIIC South
EC Budget: EUR 626,176
Duration: 2004-2007
Lead partner: S.I.C.A.L.A Syndicat Intercommunal d'Aménagement de la Loire et de ses Affluents, 3, Avenue Baptiste Marcet, 43000 le Puy en Velay, FRANCE

The European Framework Directive on water sets quality requirements to be met by 2015. In order to meet this objective, whose results will be shared, four partners have committed to working together to share experiences and know-how in order to find innovative, sustainable solutions to the problems of water environments in their territories which are located in upper river basins – those of the Loire, Somes and Lamone. A systematic methodology will be adopted to achieve overall protection of water resources at a new intercommunal level in the targeted river basins.

The main objectives of the Project were to:

  • Assist in a better understanding of the concept of sustainable development in the territories concerned with regard to social, eco-tourism and environmental aspects.
  • Develop awareness among the target audience of the need for protection of water resources for fair, sustainable usage, especially through teaching about water environments.