Physical and bio-geo-chemical modeling of the soil system, focused on carbon sequestration techniques, especially Biochar. More in details, for the bio-geo-chemical modeling (especially the carbon cycle), we modify established soil carbon models (RothC, Century/DayCent, BiomeBGC, DNDC, etc...) and develop new models based on measurable carbon pools obtained using new soil fractionation methods (decreasing overparametrization and equifiality problems). For the soil physical modeling, we model the flow of water (liquid, vapour) and heat in soils, to study flooding/drought conditions and soil temperature and water content effects on soil organic matter degradation. We also focus on the interaction between soil and biochar, especially the effect of biochar on soil idrological and thermal parameters, and the soil organic matter-Biochar interaction and persistence.
Development of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) protocols for soil carbon sequestration and organic carbon persistence in different soil fractions (e.g. mineral associated, particulate, aggregates), aimed at: evaluating the effect of various conservation agricolture practices; estimate the maximum sequestration potential of a soil; analyse the effects of various soil carbon sequestration techniques on the soil system.
OMICS data (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics) analysis to elaborate and parametrize ecological and metabolic models for the soil microbial community dynamics; development of conceptual models for rhyzosphere-soil microbes-pyrogenic carbon interactions; use of metagenomics data to analyse the effects of pyrogenic carbon (and Biochar) on the soil microbial community.
Study of long-term biochar experiments aimed at improving the health of agricultural soils and sequestering organic carbon: inclusion of sites with secular biochar; definition of testing protocols and universal sampling; creation of an international network; how to manage LTE financially. Objective: to understand the long-term action of biochar in order to study its persistence, combinations and effects with organic and synthetic fertilisers for the development of a long-term strategy