English Language for Archaeology” course took place in the months of July and August 2018 at the Faculty of Arts of Baghdad University. The main objective of the course was to improve the english language skills with a specific focus on Archaeology of officials and students from the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the Iraqi Museum (IM) and the University of Baghdad (UoB), in order to empower them in carrying out research and fieldwork activities and seizing the opportunities deriving from internationalization and mobility. 

Lessons were given by Dr. Nassier Al-Zubaidi and Dr. Alyaa Al-Shammari of Baghdad University, two English Language Professors that have also a background in Archaeology, and they lasted two months (July-August 2018) for a total amout of 48 hours. 30 was the average number of attendees. 

More specifically, the course introduced the trainees with the basic English language skills besides the essential vocabulary for everyday archaeological work. The course was tailored to meet the needs of professionals and students in the archaeology field covering technical terminology and concepts.

You can watch the pictures of the training from the right colum and in the gallery section.

The same kind of training were organized at Universities of Qadissiyah and Kufa in Autumn 2018.