Cooperative di dati nella prassi (casistica)

Data Cooperatives e Data Intermediation Services Providers nella prassi

Casistica (su cooperative di dati, intermediari di dati, altri casi rilevanti)

Ricognizione di casi rilevanti nella prassi (cooperative di dati, cooperative che basano il proprio funzionamento sull'utilizzo dei dati, casi di condivisione dei dati nell'ambito di strutture organizzative a vantaggio dei proprio membri, intermediari di dati in forma non cooperativa ma con modelli di operatività replicabili in forma di cooperativa di dati, etc.). Scopo della ricognizione è quella di individuare casi di studio da analizzare per verificare la rispondenza con il modello giuridico delle cooperative di dati individuato nel Data Governance Act o per individuare i modelli di business e applicazioni pratiche-operative che possono essere riconvertite, con modifiche, nel modello della cooperativa di dati di cui al Data Governance Act

  • Drivers' Seat (trasporti, consegne, mobilità)

    "Know more. Earn more. Use your data to maximize rideshare and delivery earnings and take control of your work", "We believe data is power, and we’re here to help you get it", "We’re a cooperative, owned by rideshare and delivery drivers like you. Our members elect and serve on our board and are eligible for a share of our profits", "You can trust that your data is analyzed to help you understand your performance, keep good records, and earn more. No nudges, no games, nobody else’s agenda", "We’ll always tell you what’s happening with your data and what’s happening with your cooperative. Clear, open communication is our default mode", "We help you answer the big questions so you can earn more. When is the most productive time to work? Which platform is better for you? Is your driving strategy working?"

  • Eva Coop (trasporti, consegne, mobilità)

    "Established in late 2017, Eva quickly established itself as a solution to the problems posed by traditional ride-share companies. By localizing mobility economy, democratizing governance and decentralizing data management, our co-founders redefined the next generation of mobility. By bringing together riders and drivers as members, the idea was to ensure a mutualistic relation with all the stakeholders involved and a better redistribution of wealth."

  • OneStreetMap (geolocalizzazione)

    "La comunità italiana è particolarmente attiva non soltanto nel mantenere la mappa di OpenStreetMap aggiornata, ma anche nell'organizzare eventi di formazione, divulgazione e condivisione. Ogni anno durante il FOSS4G-IT la comunità italiana si riunisce. La conferenza riunisce tutte le comunità italiane del software geografico libero e dei dati geografici aperti, all'interno del programma un’intera giornata è dedicata ad OpenStreetMap. Wikimedia Italia dal 2016 è il capitolo italiano della OpenStreetMap Foundation. Wikimedia Italia supporta - ma non controlla - il progetto OpenStreetMap, incoraggiando la crescita, lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di dati geospaziali liberi usabili e condivisibili da chiunque."

  • Savvy Cooperative (salute)

    "Once upon a time, there were two patients who were tired of healthcare innovators designing products and services without talking to patients first. They dreamed of restoring power back to patients, giving them a voice and fairly valuing their insights. That dream is Savvy Cooperative." "We Are A Patient Co-op. Savvy Cooperative is the first and only patient-owned public benefit co-op...a mouthful of awesomeness!", "Savvy is a co-op, meaning we are legally owned by our members, who are patients and people, like you! Members have a vote in what we do and share in our yearly profits"

  • Cooperativa MIDATA (salute)

    "MIDATA dimostra come i dati possano essere utilizzati per il bene comune, salvaguardando al contempo il diritto dei cittadini al controllo dei propri dati personali. Fondata nel 2015, la cooperativa nonprofit gestisce una piattaforma di dati, agisce in qualità di amministratrice della raccolta dati e garantisce la sovranità del cittadino relativamente all’utilizzo dei propri dati. Il modello MIDATA è concepito per un utilizzo a livello internazionale: MIDATA Svizzera supporta la creazione di cooperative MIDATA nazionali e regionali che condividono l’infrastruttura della piattaforma dati. Attualmente, MIDATA si focalizza principalmente su dati sanitari e servizi basati su applicazioni per smartphone. Startup, fornitori di servizi informatici e gruppi di ricerca possono dunque integrare sulla piattaforma MIDATA applicazioni mobili che forniscano servizi basati sui dati, i quali possano poi essere raccolti e analizzati. Questo modello incentiva la creazione di un ecosistema basato sull’innovazione aperta. I titolari di account dati MIDATA possono contribuire attivamente alla ricerca medica e agli studi clinici fornendo un accesso selettivo ai propri dati personali. Inoltre, possono diventare soci della cooperativa e controllarla in quanto tali."

  • Salus Coop (salute)

    "Somos una cooperativa ciudadana de datos que acelera la investigación e innovación en el sector de la salud.", "El futuro de nuestra salud depende en gran medida del potencial de combinar, integrar y compartir nuestros datos. Sin embargo, la decisión de compartir nuestros datos involucra muchos riesgos, como la privacidad, la seguridad y posibles malos usos de los datos. ¿A quién le confiamos estas decisiones? Aunque los ciudadanos europeos son legalmente dueños de sus datos de salud, a menudo en la práctica es difícil acceder a ellos o controlar su uso. Estos factores obstaculizan la innovación en el sector de la salud y frenan la investigación. "
    "Salus.Coop seeks to legitimize the right of citizens to control their own data, while facilitating data sharing to accelerate research and innovation in the health sector. "

  • LunaDNA (salute)

    "Uniting for the Common Good. People must be at the center of research to drive health breakthroughs faster. That’s why we’ve built a platform that brings together individuals, communities, and researchers through trust, transparency, and shared value.", "We see people as partners in discovery not research subjects. We unite individuals and communities, putting their health data to work to answer life’s most pressing questions. When people come together with a collective vision of responsibility and fairness, it creates a force so powerful that it can alter the face of longstanding systems and institutions", "The future of health is powered by data-real data from people like you.
    Whether you’re healthy or sick, your health data is valuable. Information about your lived experiences, DNA data, and medical history reveals insights to drive breakthroughs. Create a secure account and start sharing your data", "Experiences shared within your community help you and those around you. Handling a health condition on your own is hard. Bringing a community together can provide the shared experiences, shared resources, and shared answers to manage better", "Research powered by real-world, shared data advances our understanding of diseases now, not later. Working tirelessly to understand complex diseases, you need better health information than what exists today. Keeping people connected to their data and your research makes the difference. Learn how we can help you find your study cohort and conduct research faster."

  • PolyPoly.Health (salute)

    "Unlocking the power of health and data. We are the next generation health data broker", " is a technology company in the area of big data and health accelerating with the ambition to change the world of health - based on a trustworthy and decentralized data economy", "Businesses have always been dependent on a handful of data providers to reach their target groups. But before it can mine any value it must sift through a lot of dross. Added to which there’s the cost of storing consumer data with the risk of having it breached. With, businesses can go directly to the customer for higher quality data stored securely on their device", "Users' data, users' decision. You have a right to privacy. Especially on the internet! It has become impossible to move around on the internet without leaving traces. Buckets of money are being made with our personal data at the expense of our privacy. And what do we get out of it? Not much. Help us change that!"

  • Weople (generale)

    "La prima Banca per investire e recuperare valore dai tuoi dati, proteggerli e agire i tuoi diritti di privacy. Gratis e senza sforzo", "Weople agirà, per generare valore, in due direzioni principali: 1. Si proporrà come piattaforma di marketing diretto per offrire a target interessanti le proposte e le comunicazioni di Clienti e Aziende interessate. Questo avverrà, ovviamente, senza mai dare dati personali all'azienda e ponendosi come filtro e unica piattaforma per raggiungerli. Normalmente, nel mercato della pubblicità, l'azienda paga per raggiungere i target interessanti e potergli offrire qualcosa. Sarà così anche nel caso di Weople, con la grande differenza che i soldi andranno non a intermediari e aziende tecnologiche che lavorano sui dati ma direttamente ai correntisti. (...) 2. nvestirà masse di dati anonimi e protetti nel mercato in cui, al momento, si genera più valore (e dove, al momento, le nostre identità digitali vengono scambiate senza troppi riguardi per la nostra privacy). È come una specie di "borsa" dei dati, che funziona, tutti i giorni, con meccanismi simili ad un'asta. Quindi, la quantità di valore che genereremo la vedremo di mese in mese, perché fluttua in base all'asta. Quello che è certo è che, purtroppo, il valore del dato, se calcolato per il singolo, è qui di pochi centesimi all'anno ma, se siamo tanti, possiamo generare un buon valore e ridistribuircelo."

  • Revenue (musica)

    "Resonate is the first community-owned music streaming service — a multi-stakeholder platform co-operative, democratically governed by our members: artists, listeners, and workers", "Democratically governed by members. Hashing things out in our forum. Meeting as a community every thursday. Electing our own board. Making decisions together. Sharing the surplus. Open to everyone. Listeners earn membership with a $10 contribution. Artists earn membership after their first upload. Workers earn membership by helping us build"

  • Swash (generale)

    "Reimagining data ownership", "People lack ownership over their data and don’t receive any value from it, businesses pay for expensive, low-quality data that lacks consent, and developers struggle to build due to lack of access to high-quality data. We live in a world governed by data. A transparent, secure, and collaborative ecosystem that incentivises everyone - without compromising on security and innovation - is urgently needed. Swash’s decentralised data ecosystem redefines how data is collected and valued by providing a simple way to passively earn, innovate, and create for a fairer world and better, more equitable internet.", "Swash enables internet users, developers, and businesses to cultivate new realities of data ownership and value creation through new incentivisation streams, innovative data monetisation mechanisms, and a collaborative development framework, governed by the ethos of Web 3"

  • GISC (Grower’s Information Service Cooperative) (agroalimentare)

    "GiSC is the only grower-owned and governed data cooperative that encourages better management decisions. By aggregating and analyzing data, growers are able to utilize their data to gain business insights through our partnerships with experienced technology companies that have game-changing tools.", "We come together collectively to better ourselves and the cooperative through aggregated and anonymous data. From this, we glean the value of data insights, which is extensive. GiSC is empowering farmers to build a profitable future for their operations", "For the field, office, and market, we offer useful technologies for better ROI, that are independent and unbiased solutions available at a discounted price to our members" (It is "an American cooperative allowing farmers, on payment of a monthly fee, to collect, store and manage their data. Farmers can profit from the cooperative’s partnerships with experienced technology companies to gain business insights about their activity").

  • SAOS (agroalimentare)

    "SAOS is leading the way on delivering co-operative approaches to data management that protect the rights of farmers, and will help unlock the value of precision farming for Scotland", "By working hard to understand how co‑op governance, technology and trust must be balanced, we have positioned ourselves as Scotland’s leading source of expertise on sharing industry data", "The ScotEID database provides real-time tracing data of farm livestock through their supply chains, until the point when they enter the food chain", "SAOS is a Scottish cooperative working on farming and food production (operating since 1905), that also provides data cooperative services. It has implemented ScotEID, a data system that allows farmers to regis- ter, track and share data on their live- stock. ScotEID is a cooperative data- base that offers real-time information on livestock across Scotland, which is vital to prevent disease outbreaks and to enhance the traceability of the food supply chain. Being managed as a cooperative, all the data in Sco- tEID are owned and controlled by the member farmers who generate this data"

  • POSMO (Positive Mobility) (mobilità)

    Posmo (Positive Mobility) ist eine Datengenossenschaft für Mobilitätsdaten. Selbstbestimmt sammeln und verwalten wir Daten über unser Mobilitätsverhalten, um so die Grundlagen für nachhaltige Mobilität zu schaffen, in Städten und anderswo" ["Posmo (Positive Mobility) è una cooperativa di dati sulla mobilità. Raccogliamo e gestiamo i dati sul nostro comportamento di mobilità in modo autodeterminato per gettare le basi di una mobilità sostenibile, nelle città e altrove"], "Als Datengenossenschaft entwickeln wir ein neuartiges, gerechtes Geschäftsmodell für die digitale Wirtschaft. Im Posmo-Modell entscheiden alle selber, wer ihre persönlichen Daten zur Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen nutzen darf. Das mit den Daten verdiente Geld fliesst zurück an die Mitglieder — und nicht an die grossen Techkonzerne." ["Come cooperativa di dati, stiamo sviluppando un nuovo modello di business equo per l'economia digitale. Nel modello Posmo, ognuno decide da solo chi può utilizzare i propri dati personali per affrontare le sfide sociali. Il denaro ricavato dai dati torna ai membri, e non alle grandi aziende tecnologiche"], "POSMO coop is a data cooperative for mobility data, based in Switzerland. Posmo was launched in 2020 with the goal of building a data market that allows interested purchasers to access a pool of mobility data which is created and administered by the data subjects."

  • READ-Coop

    "A cooperative to unlock our written past. We are on a mission to provide the best tools for making historical data accessible. We do this as a co-operative, following the motto: purpose before profit." | "What is read-coop? As a purpose-driven co-operative, our mission is to provide a comprehensive range of tools and services that empower researchers, institutions, and individuals to collaboratively discover and explore the rich tapestry of history. Our platform Transkribus covers the entire process of making historical documents accessible, from scanning and AI-assisted data extraction to online publication. We believe in fostering strong partnerships with stakeholders, reinvesting profits in our ecosystem, and championing social responsibility, all while delivering exceptional technology and support to our community." | "Our Values": 1. "Collaborative Approach. As a co-operative, we emphasize collaboration with all stakeholders to create the best results, fostering active participation and preventing exclusion from the value chain." 2."Purpose before Profit. Profits are reinvested into the maintenance and development of our ecosystem, prioritizing our mission and stakeholder-orientation over shareholder gains." 3."Societal Impact. We support the right to information by making historical documents accessible, providing free access to our software for teachers, students, and NGOs, and promoting freedom of information." 4."Comprehensive Service. We offer a complete range of tools for making historical sources accessible, including scanning aids, AI-based image processing, and a web-based solution for publishing and searching." 5."Holistic Commitment. We embrace a comprehensive approach, addressing market needs, fostering collaboration, prioritizing purpose, and nurturing our team, all while maintaining social responsibility." 6."Adaptable Technology. Our focus is on building a versatile platform and community that can quickly adapt to new technologies and conditions, ensuring we provide the best and easiest-to-use tools."