
ALMABuild is an open blockset of SIMULINK elements created by the Applied Thermal Engineering team of the University of Bologna.

ALMABuild is dedicated to students, researchers, architects, engineers and building management professionals.

ALMABuild is freely available for users upon filling in the request form available from this page. At least MATLAB R2021a and a Simulink licence are required to run the tool!

The signed request form has to be sent by e-mail to:

Dr. Claudia Naldi (e-mail:


The last available version of the complete SIMULINK library will be sent by e-mail.

Each user can work freely with ALMABuild by acknowledging the ALMABuild developers team. We kindly ask all users to report bugs or comments to us in order to improve the toolbox in future versions.

In scientific papers, if results obtained by ALMABuild are shown, we ask to add the following references:

  • Jean Pierre Campana, ALMABEST: A new whole building energy simulation Simulink-based tool for NZEB design, PhD dissertation, Supervisor: Gian Luca Morini, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (2019); doi: 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8993
  • Jean Pierre Campana, Gian Luca Morini; BESTEST and EN ISO 52016 Benchmarking of ALMABuild, a New Open-Source Simulink Tool for Dynamic Energy Modelling of Buildings, Energies, 12, (2019), 2938; doi:10.3390/en12152938