Produzione scientifica

Zauli, I., Rossini, E., Pennisi, G., Martin, M., Crepaldi, A., Gianquinto, G., & Orsini, F. (2024). The Perfect Match: Testing the Effect of Increasing Red and Blue Ratio on Baby-Leaf Kale Growth, Yield and Physiology. Horticulturae, 10(11), 1134.

Available at:

Carotti, L., Pistillo, A., Zauli, I., Pennisi, G., Martin, M.,  Gianquinto, G. and Orsini, F. (2024).  Far-red radiation management for lettuce growth: Physiological and morphological features leading to energy optimization in vertical farming. Scientia Horticulturae, 334 , 113264.


Available at:

Vanacore, L., El-Nakhel, C., Modarelli, G. C., Rouphael, Y., Pannico, A., Langellotti, A. L., Masi, P., Cirillo, C., and De Pascale, S. (2024). Growth, Ecophysiological Responses, and Leaf Mineral Composition of Lettuce and Curly Endive in Hydroponic and Aquaponic Systems. Plants, 13(20), 2852.

Available at:

Aslami, Z., Ghehsareh, M. G., Mahdavi, S. M. E., & Nicola, S. (2024). Regeneration of African Violet in Response to Light Quality. Horticulturae, 10(1), 78.

Available at:

Carotti, L., Pistillo, A., Zauli, I., Meneghello, D., Martin, M., Pennisi, G., Gianquinto, G. and Orsini, F. (2023). Improving water use efficiency in vertical farming: Effects of growing systems, far-red radiation and planting density on lettuce cultivation. Agricultural Water Management, 285, 108365.

Available at:

Eftekhari, M., Javid, M. G., Aliniaeifard, S., & Nicola, S. (2023). Alteration of flower yield and phytochemical compounds of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by application of different light qualities and growth regulators. Horticulturae, 9(2), 169. 

Available at:

Paucek, I., Durante, E., Pennisi, G., Quaini, S., Gianquinto, G., & Orsini, F. (2023). A methodological tool for sustainability and feasibility assessment of indoor vertical farming with artificial lighting in Africa. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 2109. 

Available at:

Martin, M., Bustamante, M., Zauli, I. and  Orsini, F. (2024). Environmental life cycle assessment of an on-site modular cabinet vertical farm. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 8:1403580.

Available at: doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2024.1403580

E. Appolloni, F. Orsini and G. Pennisi (2024). Overall feasibility and sustainability assessment of vertical farming in emerging economies. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 89(4). 

Available at: 

Landolfo, M., Perrotti, F., Moretti, G., Pennisi, G., Orsini, F. (2023). Machine learning regressor for the prediction of the SPAD value of indoor basil with RGB monitoring.  IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor) / , 2023, p.5663-356.

Available at: doi: 10.1109/MetroAgriFor58484.2023.10424232

Sheikhi H.,  Nicola S., Delshad M., Bulgari R. (2024). Sodium selenate biofortification, through seed priming, on dill microgreens grown in two different cultivation systems. Front. Plant Sci. 15:1474420.

Available at: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1474420

Zauli, I., Carotti, L., Pistillo, A., Pennisi, G., Martin, M., Meneghello, D., ... & Orsini, F. (2024). Assessing the role of light quality in baby-leaf kale grown in a vertical farm: Productivity and resource use efficiency. European Journal of Horticultural Science89(5), 1-10. 

Available at:

Zauli, I., Carotti, L., Pistillo, A., Pennisi, G., Martin, M., Crepaldi, A., ... & Orsini, F. (2024). Indoor cultivation of baby-leaf kale under constant DLI: Increasing photoperiod with lower PPFD as a strategy to improve crop growth in an aeroponic system. European Journal of Horticultural Science89(5), 1-10.

Available at: