Economic benefits

Students with a disability certification pursuant to Italian Law 104/92 and/or a legal disability certification of 66% or higher can apply for exemption from tuition fees due to their disability.  

Numerous scholarships and funding opportunities of various kinds are also available to all students.

The Regional Board for the Right to Higher Education (ER.GO) provides students with a disability rating of 66% or higher with other economic benefits and dedicated assistance services:

- Accommodation free of architectural barriers for non-resident students

- Scholarship

- Personal help within student halls of residence

- Grant for the purchase of study aids

- Transport grant (for the use of taxis)

All these benefits are managed directly by ER.GO, which publishes specific calls for applications every year. Please contact ER.GO directly for more information.

To be eligible for these benefits, you will have to meet certain merit- and income-based criteria.

We advise you to read the calls for application very carefully and to pay attention to the deadlines.