Aula Vitali ore 14:00
Schubert calculus and quiver varieties
Aula Pincherle ore 16:00
The mathematics of juggling
Seminario 2 ore 14:15
Asymptotic mapping class groups of Cantor manifolds and their finiteness properties
Seminario 2 ore 14:30
On the structure of Gorenstein ideals of codimension 4
Aula Arzelà ore 16:00
Severi Varieties on Enriques Surfaces
Seminario 2
Simplicial volume and aspherical manifolds
Aula Vitali
La segnatura delle 4-varietà iperboliche con cuspidi
Seminario VIII piano
Symmetric representation theory of quivers and connections to Lie theory
Seminario VIII
Lifting from an ample section.The case of weighted blow-ups
Seminario II
Level structures on logarithmic (and tropical) curves
Seminario II
Special varieties and hyperbolicity
Seminario II
From polytopes to singularities on moduli spaces of Fano varieties