Michael Thaddeus (Columbia University)

Minicorso: Stability conditions on stacks

  • Data:

    19 MAGGIO
    24 MAGGIO 2022
  • Luogo: Aula e orario variabili

Aula e orario del corso:

Giovedì 19/05: 11-12, Seminario 2
Venerdì 20/05: 14-16, Seminario 2
Lunedì  23/05: 11-13, Seminario VIII piano
Martedì 24/05:  11-12 Seminario 2

Programma del corso:

Lezione I: Many geometric structures on algebraic varieties are best studied by considering the collection of structures, modulo some natural equivalence, and giving it a geometric structure itself. We will give  a gentle introduction, focused on examples.

Lezioni II, III, IV: Depending on the moduli problem considered, this may lead to a moduli scheme, a moduli space, or a moduli stack. Focusing on examples related to vector bundles on smooth curves, we will discuss the geometry of the corresponding moduli spaces and stacks, explaining how the notion of stability throws a bridge from stacks to spaces. This will be preceded by some relevant background (though very informal and example-driven) on stacks and on geometric invariant theory.