Past Researchers

Silvia Cercatillo

Dr. in Analithical Chemistry

She joined RESOLUTION in November 2019.

She received her Bachelor degree in Geological Sciences and the Master degree in Geological and Technological Sciences, both at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Her PhD program at Frontiers “Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges” ( at Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University, was part of the ERC project RESOLUTION. 

During her three – year PhD carrier she pursued her research on dendrochronology and the extraction of tree-ring cellulose under the supervision of Dr. Michael Friedrich at Botanica Garden at Hohenheim University. She studied and apllied dendrochronology over the course of her stay at Hohenheim University in Stuttgart, while the chemistry pretreatments were carried out in the BRAVHO LAB at the Department of Chemistry “Giacomo CIAMICIAN” at Bologna University, Italy. She was also involved in all the fieldwork activities for sampling new trees around the Mediterranean area. She obtained her research doctorate last 3rd of April, with an excellent defense about her research "TREES: The radiocarbon and dendrochronology together for the RESOLUTION project".

Click the link to find out something more about her thesis defense on the Instagram Profile of erc_resolution!

Michael Thomas

He joined RESOLUTION in February 2022.

After completing his Master's thesis project at the BRAVHO lab, he went back to graduate at the University of Gent, Belgium.

He was later awarded a research grant from the "Collegio dei Fiamminghi" to come back to Bologna and to the RESOLUTION project as a Researcher for another year.