Scientific Advisers

Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kromer

Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kromer

University of Heidelberg; Germany

He is centrally involved in tree-ring based radiocarbon calibration since 1982. He collaborated with solar physicists in studies of solar variability covering the past 12 ka, and he presently collaborates with Swiss colleagues at ETH Zurich and with Dr. Michael Friedrich (dendrochronologist at Univ. Hohenheim) to extend the absolutely dated European tree-ring master chronology back to 14 ka BP. Moreover, the principal investigator and Bernd Kromer closely collaborated in Heidelberg and still collaborate for high precision radiocarbon analyses from samples collected at European Neanderthal and AMH sites. As head the Radiocarbon laboratories of Heidelberg University and the AMS facility of Mannheim, Germany, he acquired the skills for high-precision 14C analyses. He will be responsible for the close collaboration with the AMS lab chosen for the 14C analyses.

Prof. Paula Reimer

Prof. Paula Reimer

Queen’s University Belfast; UK

She has expertise in AMS 14C and radiocarbon calibration and has collaborated with several members of the team on radiocarbon dating and calibration.  She will advise on various aspects of the project especially criteria for creating calibration quality data and calibration curve construction. Paula Reimer has been chair of the IntCal Working Group since 2002 and will support the incorporation of the RESOLUTION calibration segments into the next IntCal curve revision.

Prof. Edouard Bard

Prof. Edouard Bard

Professor Chair in Climate and Ocean Evolution at the Collège de France, member of the French Académie des Sciences, Academia Europaea, foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences and of the Royal Academy of Belgium, honorary fellow of EGU, AGU, GSA and GS-EAG. 

His PhD defended in 1987 was on radiocarbon by accelerator mass spectrometry on modern seawater and on fossil foraminifera from marine sediments, my postdoc on U-Th dating of corals by mass spectrometry to study sea level changes and to extend the radiocarbon calibration (member of the IntCal group since 1993). Since 2014, he leads the AixMICADAS 14C facility and programs on cosmogenic nuclides in ice cores based on a 5MV ASTER facility, both located at CEREGE in Aix-en-Provence.

Dr. Florian Adolphi

Dr. Florian Adolphi

Bern University, Switzerland, Lund University, Sweden, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research, Germany

He conducts research into the combined use of cosmogenic radionuclide records from a range of archives (ice cores, sediments, tree-rings, speleothems) to improve and synchronize the chronologies of key-records in paleoscience and elucidate on the dynamics and mechanisms of past climate changes. He has developed and applied methods to compare tree-ring, U/Th, and ice core timescales based on cosmogenic radionuclides and identify chronological biases. These methods will be applied within RESOLUTION to anchor floating tree-ring records in time.

Prof. Michael Richards

Prof. Michael Richards

Archaeological Scientist

Michael P. Richards is an archaeological scientist who applies methods such as isotopic analysis to determine past human and animal diets and adaptations. He is a Professor of Archaeology and Canada Research Chair in Archaeological Science at the Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Oxford (1998) and has an MA and BA in Archaeology from Simon Fraser University. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (FSA) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC). He has published over 250 research papers in journals including Nature, Science and PNAS and is the co-editor of the book ‘Archaeological Science’ (2019, Cambridge University Press).

Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin

Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany; Collège de France, Paris, France

Director of the Department of Human Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. Chaire Internationale de Paléoanthropologie, Collège de France, Paris, France.

Prof. Raimund Muscheler

Prof. Raimund Muscheler

Lund University Department of Geology; Sweden

In collaboration with colleagues in Copenhagen and Switzerland Prof. Muscheler has been working towards a combined record of 10Be in Greenland ice cores, which will be used to obtain absolute ages of floating Glacial tree-ring sections. Furthermore it he has a strong expertise in the combined interpretation of cosmogenic radionuclides for synchronization of key-chronologies, and the reconstruction of past solar activity and the assessment of carbon cycle influences on atmospheric 14C.