Organized Events
Conference Room, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Via degli Ariani 1
This event will address the issue of territorial strategies and synergies aimed at the prediction, prevention and management of natural and anthropogenic risks impacting on cultural heritage.
Attended Events
Library "L. Dal Pane', Castel Bolognese
Part of the cycle of meetings "I'M COMING TOO! For a knowledge without barriers'. This event organized by SOS ARCHIVI, will entail a theoretical discussion in the morning and a practical workshop in the afternoon. Event registration required.
Attended Events
Museo delle Cappuccine di Bagnacavallo
Part of the cycle of meetings "I'M COMING TOO! For a knowledge without barriers', organised by the Department of Cultural Heritage as Third Mission actions. Presentation of the book "FAI PER BENE".
Attended Events
Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche (MIC), Faenza
Part of the cycle of meetings "I'M COMING TOO! For a knowledge without barriers', organised by the Department of Cultural Heritage as Third Mission actions. Presentation of the book "FAI PER BENE".
Attended Events
Library "F. Trisi", Lugo
Part of the cycle of meetings "I'M COMING TOO! For a knowledge without barriers'. Discussion on the interventions implemented by some lecturers and students of the Department of Cultural Heritage on the library assets damaged by last May's flood;
Attended Events
Museo d'Arte della Città di Ravenna (MAR)
Part of the cycle of meetings "I'M COMING TOO! For a knowledge without barriers', organised by the Department of Cultural Heritage as Third Mission actions. Presentation of the book "FAI PER BENE".
Attended Events
Casa Matha, Andrea Costa, 3, Ravenna
This event is the third of a series of meetings proposed by FAI Delegation of Ravenna and Slow Food Ravenna Aps to understand the risks linked to climate change, the strategies implemented by the bodies in charge, future developments and the contribution of the volunteering sector.