13th CF@BO

Welcome the 13th Bologna’s convention on crystal forms, CF@Bo n.13, organized by the group of Molecular Crystal Engineering (MCE) group at the Chemistry Department G. Ciamician of the University of Bologna and by PolyCrystalLine SpA.
The meeting will open on Sunday 7 September in the San Giovanni in Monte historical complex of the University of Bologna located in the town centre and continue on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 at the Aemilia Hotel

In keeping with the tradition of CF@Bo series of meeting, the main objective is that of providing a forum for an open academy-industry discussion of the new challenges that the theme “crystal forms” presents daily to researchers in both working environments. In two and a half days we will get an updated overview of where we stand in the field.

We are proud of the response to our invitation to deliver a talk at CF@Bo. The scientific programme is very dense and varied. Speakers are coming from 19 universities and research institutions, and from 17 companies. We are also very happy with the fair gender balance, which has always been an objective of our meeting.

The focus of the 13th edition will be on the following topics

  1. Screening, assessment, and characterization of solid forms (polymorphs, cocrystals, hydrates, solvates, and amorphous materials)
  2. Computational approach and artificial intelligence applied to solid forms (crystal structure and properties prediction, quantum crystallography)
  3. Crystallization processes by design including solventless methods of preparation (ball milling, effect of pressure, effect of impurities, solid solutions)
  4. Solid forms in the Court (intellectual property issues, patents)


                                                                                             to download the programme see at the bottom of this page

Registration is now open (early bird registration will be possible till May 31)

Registration fees will be as follows:

Participant                          Early bird registration                             Regular fee 

                                                (March 1 - May 31, 2025)                        (after May 31)

Industry                                  700€                                                                      1000€
Academic                                400€                                                                      600€
Student                                    200€                                                                      300€


Registration fees include food and beverages during the congress. Please note that the maximum number of participants, including speakers, is 150.

Click here to register

As in the past, CF@Bo represents an opportunity for young researchers to meet senior scientists and researchers from academy and industry and to establish new collaborations. Beside scientific talks, participants will have the opportunity to present their research in the poster session on Monday 8 (max. number of posters is 50).

Poster abstracts (max 1 page, A4 format, with title, authors and affiliation, text / figures and references) must be submitted before June 30 by email to crystalforms.unibo@gmail.com

The journals CrystEngComm (RSC), Mechanochemistry (RSC) will sponsor “best poster” prizes.

Boursaries supported by speakers and sponsors are available to help the participation of young researchers. A one-page application for a waiver, accompanied by a short CV and the title of the poster intended for presentation at the convention, should be sent by email to prof. Dario Braga. (dario.braga@unibo.it).

Also, the “Associazione Italiana Cristallografia”, AIC, supports the participation of young AIC members (visit “How to become a member” to join). The amount of the grant will cover the registration fee. Please send an e-mail of request to prof. Lucia Maini (l.maini@unibo.it ) with a short CV.

All applications for support should be submitted before May 15, 2025.

For information about meeting organization and programme refer to Secretary Crystal Forms (crystalforms.unibo@gmail.com)

The organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming you to Bologna. Do not forget that participating in CF@Bo gives you a good opportunity to visit Bologna: a medieval town and the site of the oldest university of the Western world.

We are grateful to ELDICO, Malvern Panalytical, and Nordtest for sponsoring the convention.

For information about registration, sponsorship, accommodation refer to MI&T Congressi (info@mitcongressi.it)

Details of the sponsorship package are as follows
GOLD Pack- 3.000€ + VAT (if due) - 3 still AVAILABLE - 
Benefits: Company Logo and profile in the event guide, Company Logo and hyperlink on the event website
Showcase presentation during the event
Desk for equipment exposition (booking is required, info@mitcongressi.it )
Delegates: 1 delegate included, max. 2 additional delegates 500€ each
SILVER Pack - 1.500€ + VAT (if due) 
Benefits: Company Logo and profile in the event guide, Company Logo and hyperlink on the event website
Delegates: 1 delegate included, max. 1 additional delegate 500€
BRONZE Pack – 1,000€ + VAT (if due)
Benefits: Company Logo and profile in the event guide

MCE: Professors Dario Braga, Fabrizia Grepioni, Lucia Maini, Simone d’Agostino.

PCL: Doctors Stefano Luca Giaffreda, Marco Curzi

  • group picture taken in the lecture room of the Chemistry Department G. Ciamician on the first day of Crystal Forms n.12