13th CF@BO

The 13th Bologna’s convention on crystal forms – CF@Bo 13 –  will take place on 7-9 September 2025 at the University of Bologna.

As in the previous twelve occasions, the meeting is organized jointly by the Molecular Crystal Engineering group of the Department of Chemistry G. Ciamician and by PolyCrystalLine S.p.A., that in 2025 will celebrate 20 years of activity.

The meeting will open on Sunday 7 in the San Giovanni in Monte historical complex in the town centre and continue on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 at the Aemilia Hotel.

In keeping with the tradition of CF@Bo, the main objective of the meeting is that of providing a forum for an open academy-industry discussion of the new challenges that the theme “crystal forms” presents daily to researchers in both working environments. In particular we plan to host a large selection of talks, adequately balanced on gender, nationality and academic or industrial research, to address

  1. Screening, assessment, and characterization of solid forms (polymorphs, cocrystals, hydrates, solvates, and amorphous materials)
  2. Computational approach and artificial intelligence applied to solid forms (crystal structure and properties prediction, quantum crystallography)
  3. Crystallization processes by design including solventless methods of preparation (ball milling, effect of pressure, effect of impurities, solid solutions)
  4. Solid forms in the Court (intellectual property issues, patents)

 CF@Bo represents a unique opportunity for young researchers to meet senior scientists and researchers from both academic and industrial environment and to establish new collaborations.

Besides invited talks, participants will have the opportunity to present their work in “flash presentations” and in a poster session. A number of scientists have already agreed on contributing to CF@Bo 13. The programme is under construction - keep an eye on this page!

Early bird registration will open on 1 March 2025. As in the previous occasions the number of participants will be limited to 150.

For queries about the scientific programme contact: Fabrizia Grepioni (fabrizia.grepioni@unibo.it), Dario Braga (dario.braga@unibo.it), Lucia Maini (l.maini@Unibo.it), Simone d’Agostino (simone.dagostino2@unibo.it)

Sponsorships are welcome; contact dr. Stefano Giaffreda (slg@polycrystalline.it) or Federico Rossi (federico.rossi@polycrystalline.it)


The following photograph was taken in 2023 in the major lecture hall of the Chemistry Department G. Ciamician at the end of the first day of CF@Bo 12 

The 12th Crystal Forms edition - 2023