The Experimental Laboratory offers hardware and software assets and services for linguistic and textual data analysis to support research.
The Laboratory also periodically organizes training sessions, aimed primarily at LILEC and UniBo staff. More information can be found on the page dedicated to Training.
Finally, a Training Internship for bachelor's and master's degree students is active at the Lab.
Below is a specification of the resources available.
The lab has 6 fixed workstations and 1 windows laptop.
In addition, the following are available at the laboratory:
Presso il laboratorio è possibile ottenere servizi di supporto alla ricerca nei seguenti ambiti:
Le attività citate fanno uso di un'ampia dotazione software attualmente disponibile presso il Laboratorio. Nello specifico, si fa ricorso ai linguaggi di programmazione Python o R, ai più diffusi strumenti liberamente disponibili per l'analisi di dati linguistici (ELAN, Praat, ecc.) e, tra le licenze attive:
Per gli utenti UniBO, inoltre, il Laboratorio mette a disposizione l'accesso a SketchEngine (fino al 2027) e Ethnologue (fino al 2025).
Research support services in the following areas can be obtained at the laboratory:
The mentioned activities make use of a wide range of software currently available at the Lab. Specifically, we use Python or R programming languages, the most popular freely available tools for language data analysis (ELAN, Praat, etc.), and furthermore, among the active licenses:
For UniBO users, the Lab also provides access to SketchEngine (until 2027) and Ethnologue (until 2025).