2023 - ongoing
Franceca Masini (Unibo)
2018 - ongoing
Construction of a corpus of spoken Italian to investigate diatopic, diaphasic and diastratic variation in Italian. Two modules have already been published (KIP and ParlaTO), three more modules are under construction (KIPPasti, ParlaBO, ParlaBZ), and lemmatization and POS tagging are also planned. To date, the total published size exceeds one million words; it is expected to exceed two million words during 2023.
Caterina Mauri (UniBo), Silvia Ballarè (UniBo), Eugenio Goria (UniTo), Massimo Cerruti (UniTo)
Experimental Laboratory trainees, KIParla trainees, students of "Language Technologies" seminar series, collaborations from University of Torino and University of Bolzano.
2020 - ongoing
Construction of a corpus of spoken Italian from radio broadcasts and podcasts. The project, which is ongoing, has resulted in the creation of a corpus of about 1 million words that is currently being revised and standardized.
Francesca Masini (uniBo), Silvia Ballarè (UniBo), Claudia Roberta Combei (UniPv)
Experimental Laboratory trainees, students of "Language Technology" seminar series.
The project focuses on the collection and dissemination of a body of past and contemporary evidence on the tangible and intangible heritage of the University of Bologna, as a unique example of heritage. The ultimate goal is to enhance the knowledge and enjoyment of the artistic heritage of the city of Bologna precisely through the University.
Valeria Zotti (UniBo), Ana Pano Alaman (UniBo), Antonella Luporini (UniBo), Monica Perotto (UniBo), Monica Turci (UniBo), Carmelo Caruso (UniBo)
Experimental Laboratory trainees