Head of Research and Member of the Laboratory Scientific Committee
Associate Professor in Applied Physics to Cultural Heritage (SSD: FIS-07)
Programme Director of Syngle Cicle Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
After an initial period of scientific activity in the field of semiconductor materials for electronics, since 1997 Mariangela Vandini has been carrying out research on scientific methodologies for the study of cultural heritage.
In particular, through archaeometric analysis and investigations on materials of archaeological and historical-artistic interest, the research is aimed at characterising raw materials and production technologies, as well as to provide data and evaluation of the state of conservation of the artworks and finds. The survey methodologies are, therefore, used for the characterisation of the materials and the knowledge of the executive techniques, for achieving information about origin and, when possible, chronological collocation of the objects. The research also aims at investigating the causes of deterioration through the characterisation of degradation phenomena, also in support of conservative interventions. The research activity is divided into the main sectors of archaeometric study of archaeological material of various nature (metals, natural and artificial stone, glass) and of study and conservation of assets of historical and artistic interest and of historical buildings.
On the aforementioned topics, she carries out, from A.A. 2000-2001, teaching activity in Bachelor and Master's Degree Courses of the former Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, now School of Letters and Cultural Heritage, in Specialisation Schools, in Masters and in Doctoral Schools of Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, as well as in numerous training courses.
SCOPUS ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602275211
Member of the Laboratory Scientific Committee
Full Professor in Ecology
Full Professor at the Department of Cultural Heritage, Marco Abbiati received the PhD in Environmental Sciences (Sea Science) from the University of Genoa. He carried out his research at the Department of Human and Environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa from 1991 to 1998, and from 1998 at the Degree Course in Environmental Sciences and the Interdepartmental Research Center for Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna in Ravenna. From 1998 to 2002 he was associate professor and from 2002 full professor of Ecology.
In recent years he has taught Applied Ecology, Marine Ecology, EIA Ecological Fundamentals and Marine Interdisciplinary Laboratory and has directed the II level Master in Integrated Management of the Coastal Belt. He is a member of the teaching staff of the PhD in Environmental Sciences: Protection and Management of Natural Resources. He has participated in numerous national and international research programs also with organizational and coordination functions.
The research activities deals with the study of the impact of coastal protection structures on the quality of the marine environment and its populations. This study has an important application development related to the diffusion of the structures for the defense of the coasts. The research on the ecology of the lagoon environments concerned the analysis of the impact of the disturbance on the genetic structure of invertebrates and on the organization of macrozoobenthic populations.
Member of the Laboratory Scientific Committee
Associate Professor in History of Modern Art
Barbara Ghelfi is associate professor in History of Modern Art at the Department of Cultural Heritage
Previously she completed her Ph.D. in Art History at the university of Chieti-Pescara. Got a fellowship at The Roberto Longhi Foundation for History of Art Studies, and also a fellowship at Ermitage Foundation. From 2003 to 2004 she was research fellow at University of Chieti-Pescara, and after at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
She wrote, between others, the critical edition of the Guercino's Libro dei conti (1997) and books Pittura a Ferrara nel primo Seicento. Arte, committenza e spiritualità (2011); Tra Modena e Roma. Il mecenatismo artistico nell'età di Cesare d'Este (1598-1628) (2012); La pittura a Ferrara nel secondo Seicento (2016).
Member of the Laboratory Scientific Committee and senior researcher
Fixed-term senior researcher in Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage
Cristina Chiavari is a fixed-term senior researcher at the Department of Cultural Heritage. She carries out research activity in the field of Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage.
She has consolidated experience in the study of metal artefacts of historical, artistic and archaeological interest, with specific reference to the characterization of raw materials and production / processing technologies, evaluation of the state of conservation and study of corrosion / degradation mechanisms. He has collaborated on several projects of national and international importance, including the EU-B-IMPACT Project "Bronze-IMproved non hazardous PAtina CoaTings" (2015-2017). Previously he participated in the Eureka EUROCARE EU BRONZART project (2002-2005), in the EU 5FP COLLAPSE project "Corrosion of Lead and Lead-Tin Alloys of Organ Pipes in Europe", and in the national project "Innovative methods for the conservation of golden bronzes "(PRIN 2009, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research, MIUR), dedicated to the Doors of Paradise of the Baptistery of Florence.
She teaches Chemistry for Restoration and Chemistry and Conservation of Materials in the context of the Degree in Cultural Heritage and the Master's Degree in Archaeological, Artistic and Landscape Heritage: history, protection and enhancement, belonging to the Department of Cultural Heritage.
Senior Graduated Technician
Technician with specialist function in art diagnostics and technical art history
Since 2001, she is technical coordinator of the Conservation Science Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna.
Currently, as a technician specialized in art diagnostics and technical art history, she focuses her research interest and consultancy activity on diagnostic techniques for the conservation and characterization of cultural heritage, with particular reference to polychrome artistic heritage. Since 2010, she carried out numerous scientific analysis campaigns to study the painting technique of various artists, developing an innovative protocol to support authentication processes.
She is curator and co-author of several monographs, catalogues and articles published in Italian and international scientific journals in the field of conservation, valorisation, authentication and risk management of cultural heritage. She attends as speaker at numerous national and international conferences.
Scholar fellow
Post graduate student - School of specialisation post-degree in historical and artistic heritage
Since 2013, she has been engaged in study and research activities on Technical Art History field at the Conservation Science Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna,
From 2016 to 2018, she was young graduates scholar fellow on the topic "Treatise, documentary sources and scientific analysis for the study of painting techniques in the Italian and European area between the 15th and 18th centuries”. In 2019, she obtained a term-contract work within the project "From the transparencies of glacis to the brilliance of acrylic: techniques and materials between the 15th and 20th centuries". She dealt, through the study of real cases, with the execution technique of polychrome artistic heritage.
Currently, as a research fellow, she carries out her activity with reference to the theme "Treatise, documentary sources and scientific analysis for the study of Guercino's painting technique and Baroque painting".
She is co-author of several monographs, catalogues and articles in national and international scientific journals, and she attends as speaker at numerous conferences and workshops.