
Pascal Cotte

Collaboration within the cultural agreement Contrat N.80/2019 PROT.N.1323 del 09/09/2019

Director of Lumiere Technology SARL

He is an optical engineer, inventor of the first high definition multispectral camera. It deals with the development of new technologies for the acquisition and processing of images.

In 2004 he performed multi-spectral scans of the famous Leonardo's Mona Lisa. Three other masterpieces by the artist followed: the Lady with an Ermine, the Belle Ferronniére and the Bella Principessa. Between 2005 and 2009, his company scanned over 1500 artworks from public and private collections including paintings by Rubens, Géricault, Delacroix, Rembrandt, Chagall, Fragonard, Picasso, Manet, David, Renoir, Van Gogh. He counts numerous collaborations with important museums. As a partner, he contributed with the Louvre Museum to the success of the European project CRISATEL, launched to create a new digitalization standard for paintings.

In 2019, he is engaged in the development of a new protocol for applying his multispectral camera to the palinsesti. In collaboration with the Sorbonne University, at the Ambrosiana Library, he scans the famous palinsesto L.99 by Ptolemy, in the frame of the "Palimpsestes et imagerie multispectrale" project.

He is author and co-author of several monographs and articles published in international scientific journals in the field of multispectral imaging applied to paintings and he attended as speaker at numerous international conferences.

Salvatore Andrea Apicella

Collaboration within the cultural agreement Contrat N.80/2019 PROT.N.1323 del 09/09/2019

Technician at Lumiere Technology SARL

Since 2019, he has been expert in multispectral imaging at Lumiere Technology.

For over 10 years, he deals with diagnostics applied to cultural heritage, specifically the development and application of multispectral analysis techniques for the study of artworks and their state of conservation. The analysis of both canvases and wood supports of the mobile paintings are of his pertinence.

In addition to the activity carried out from 2011 to 2018 at the Conservation Science Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of the Department of Cultural Heritage (Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna) on the basis of a term-contract work during which he has analyzed numerous paintings from various centuries, currently he collaborates on Lumière Technology research projects with universities and research centres, such as Sorbonne University and the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan, on the application of multispectral imaging techniques on manuscripts.

He is co-author of scientific articles, catalogues and monographs on diagnostics applied to cultural heritage and risk management in museums for works of art, as well as scientific articles on diagnostics applied to the study of anthropological heritage.