Specific training activities for the FishMed-PhD program: course units

Mandatory attendance


Group 1

- Metagenomics applied to microbiota sciences
- Biomineralization; origin, evolution and diagenetic processes
- Electronic microscopy, theory, instrumentation and practical examples
- Growth models and population dynamics in the context of climate change
- Models of embryogenesis and biomineralization
- Comparative genomics: change in genome architecture during animal evolution
- Molecular physiology of marine animals threatened by climate change and emerging pollutants
- Hologenomics applied to host-microbiota interactions in marine organisms
- Crystallization in biomineralization and in the environment
- Oceanography and biogeochemistry

Metagenomics applied to microbiota sciences

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Biomineralization; origin, evolution and diagenetic processes

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Electronic microscopy, theory, instrumentation and practical examples

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Growth models and population dynamics in the context of climate change

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Models of embryogenesis and biomineralization

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Comparative genomics: change in genome architecture during animal evolution

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Molecular physiology of marine animals threatened by climate change and emerging pollutants

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Hologenomics applied to host-microbiota interactions in marine organisms

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Crystallization in biomineralization and in the environment

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Oceanography and biogeochemistry

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Group 2

- Fluctuations in fish populations
- Food webs, climate change and resource management in Northern Europe
- Safety of fish products; Microbial food webs and teleost microbiome
- Chemical contaminants and quality of fish products
- Marine biological resources in the Adriatic
- Indicators for sustainable fishing from the point of view of the state of the stocks
- Ecological engineering to increase the productivity of the marine environment
- Technologies for sustainable fishing
- Human population dynamics in traditional fishing communities; genetics, nutrition, health
- Genomic approaches in fisheries research: challenges and opportunities

Fluctuations in fish populations

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Food webs, climate change and resource management in Northern Europe

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Safety of fish products; Microbial food webs and teleost microbiome

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Chemical contaminants and quality of fish products

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Marine biological resources in the Adriatic

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Indicators for sustainable fishing from the point of view of the state of the stocks

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Ecological engineering to increase the productivity of the marine environment

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Technologies for sustainable fishing

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Human population dynamics in traditional fishing communities; genetics, nutrition, health

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Genomic approaches in fisheries research: challenges and opportunities

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Group 3

- Economics and politics of marine resources
- Valorization of waste materials from fishing and mariculture
- Principles of fisheries economics and policy
- Bioremediation
- Ecology of marine phytoplankton
- Economics and politics of marine resources and fisheries, circular economy and environmental remediation

Economics and politics of marine resources

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Valorization of waste materials from fishing and mariculture

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Principles of fisheries economics and policy

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Ecology of marine phytoplankton

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Economics and politics of marine resources and fisheries, circular economy and environmental remediation

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Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates

Individual PhD research projects will merge the limited available knowledge with new insights generated by FishMed-PhD to assess fishery and ecosystem status and integrate this knowledge into a wider policy and social matrix of transparent and usable outputs that are urgently needed by policymakers, managers, and stakeholders. FishMed-PhD program will combine interdisciplinary approaches in novel ways, envisaging four research work packages. WP1: Organism Biology & Physiology. Students will investigate ecosystem responses to drivers of change (e.g climate change) using a multi-scale approach from organism to population scales, by conducting studies (molecular, physiological, macroscopic growth) under controlled conditions and in situ. WP2: Environmental Monitoring & Conservation. Students will use remote sensing, species distribution modelling, and citizen science approaches to assess Mediterranean Sea biodiversity status and stressors. Moreover, students will learn to assess hydrocarbon pollution and state-of-the-art bioremediation techniques, and to investigate the impact of microplastics on Mediterranean ecosystems. WP3: Ecosystem & Socioeconomic Modelling. Students will use physiological and autoecological descriptors, as well as long-term robust time-series analysis to simulate alternative environments and human use scenarios (e.g., fishery regulations, coastal development) in an ecosystem model. This model will be coupled with ecosystem services (e.g. fisheries, tourism, ecosystem resilience), to evaluate the ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the different scenarios. WP 4: Risks Assessment & Integration Into Policy and Society. Students will investigate the interactions among economic activities, and assess risks to ecosystem services. Students will contribute to decision support tools that can help policymakers choose the most sustainable scenarios and communicate the impact of these scenarios to different stakeholders and the public at large.