
Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies or by recipient of ISA topic grants and ISA fellowship.

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Eventi in corso o in programma

26 MARCH 2021

ISA Topic

Il falso digitale: l'ecosistema informativo online e il suo inquinamento

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 - "Il Falso"

25 MARCH 2021

ISA Topic

Significati e forme del falso

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 - "Il Falso"

24 MARCH 2021

Awards and honors

International PhD College Day

Online event

Presentation of the International PhD College project

24 MARCH 2021

ISA Topic

Parodia, moda e falso in Antonioni, Almodóvar, Carax e Winding Refn

Online event

ISA Topic "Il Falso"

23 MARCH 2021


Mathematics that counts

Online event

Lecture by Michele D'Adderio, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

16 MARCH 2021


How Tragedy Can Heal Society: The Oresteia as Political Therapy

Online event

Lecture by Nicolai N. Petro,University of Rhode Island, USA

02 MARCH 2021

ISA Topic

La falsa guerra. Pandemia e analogia medico-politica - Conversazione on-air con Roberto Paci Dalò su Usmaradio

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 - "Il Falso"

26 FEBRUARY 2021

ISA Topic

Anti-Fashion as The Natural Truth

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 "Il Falso" by Nickolas Pappas, The City College of New York, USA

24 FEBRUARY 2021

ISA Topic

God Save the Fake

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 "Il Falso" - Lecture by Prof. Vittorio Linfante, Polytechnic of Milan

23 FEBRUARY 2021


The legacy of Caster Semenya: Unfair Advantages, Equality of Opportunity and The Construction of Categories in Sport

Online event

Lecture by Silvia Camporesi, King's College London, UK

22 FEBRUARY 2021

ISA Topic

La falsa guerra. Pandemia e analogia medico-politica - Secondo incontro

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 - "Il Falso"

20 FEBRUARY 2021

ISA Topic

La falsa guerra. Pandemia e analogia medico-politica - Primo incontro

Online event

ISA Topic 2020 - "Il Falso"