New frontiers of Planetary Science in Africa: African quest for space exploration

Lecture by Fulvio Franchi, Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST), Botswana

  • Date: 14 DECEMBER 2021  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

Planetary and Space Science are of increasing importance in driving the Knowledge Economy and the 4th Industrial Revolution in Africa. Serious involvement in Space Science leads to greater security, safety and agricultural productivity across and can impact on a broad front of activities. Most of all, investments in Planetary and Space Science drive the development of capabilities in high technology, creating jobs in those areas, and enthuses the nation’s young people to pursue studies and later careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. On 31st January 2016 in Addis Ababa, the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government adopted the African Space Policy and Strategy as the first of the concrete steps to realize an African Outer Space Programme. This is one of the flagship programmes of the AU Agenda 2063. The AU immediately urged the Member States, Regional Economic Communities and Partners to raise awareness of the central role of space science and technology in Africa’s socio-economic development and
mobilize domestic resources for the implementation of this policy and strategy in the framework of Agenda 2063. For such reasons many African countries are now investing resources in the creation of centers of excellence in Space Science and in drafting national space strategies and eventually national space programmes. This is the beginning of a new era for space exploration that will see many African countries as protagonists.

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If you prefer to attend this lecture in presence, you should write to within December 14th, 12 p.m. and book your place. The places will be assigned on “first come first served” basis.

As per the Decree-Law number 111, issued on the 6th of August 2021, in order to attend lectures in presence you must have a COVID-19 Green Pass and show it on the premises.

The visit of Fulvio Franchi is organized in collaboration with Barbara Cavalazzi from the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences.