Who owns and how can be exploited Covid-Vax patents generated through public or private funds?

(Seminar in English)

  • Date: 10 FEBRUARY 2022  from 15:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: Aula Magna, Scuola specializzazione “SPISA”, Via Belmeloro 10 – Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: ISA Topic

Welcome Speech
Prof.ssa Anna Chiara FARISELLI (UniBo) - Head of the Institute of Advaced Studies
Prof. Renzo ORLANDI (UniBo) - Coordinator of PhD Programme in Legal Studies

Presiding and moderating
Prof. Gustavo GHIDINI (Univ. LUISS)

Prof. Dr. Reto M. HILTY (Max Planck Inst.) - Exceptional measures in exceptional situations: A look at the international legal framework beyond the IP-Waiver for Covid-Vax patents
Prof. Walter CABRI (UniBo) - Innovation and IP in Modern Pharmaceutical Industry: the Covid19 Vaccine case
Prof. Vincenzo DENICOLO’ (UniBo) - Pharmaceutical patents and Covid vaccines: balancing innovation incentives and access to medicines
Dott. Simone MANGINI (Studio Torta)  - Patented technologies on Covid vax: past, present (...and future?) perspectives
Prof. Alberto MUSSO (UniBO) - Ownership on Covid-vax derivative inventions: possible conflicts and solution

In order to attend the seminar you must have a COVID-19 Super Green Pass and be properly registered.
Attendance is limited to 40 people. 

The seminar can also be attended online via Microsoft Teams at the following link: Click here
PhD students can ask an attendance certificate to include the seminar in their PhD activities by submitting the request via email to segreteria.isa@unibo.it and alice.alessandri4@unibo.it in copy, specifying birthplace, birthday and PhD programme.

This seminar is part of the series of seminars: “A chi appartengono le innovazioni in ambito tecnico-scientifico e il patrimonio culturale? Le sfide della proprietà intellettuale dopo l’esperienza della pandemia”, organized within the call for proposals “ISA Topic 2021 – Di chi sono le idee?”