Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies.
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Erik Stern, Weber State University, USA
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Dr. Tomas Veloz, Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Online event
European NetIAS Lectures Series "Knowledge in the Digital Age" - Lecture by Constantin Ardeleanu, The Lower Danube University of Galați, Romania
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Online event
ISA Topic "Identity: one, no one, one hundred thousand”
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Beatrice Sica, University College London, UK
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Nicola Paltrinieri, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Michael A. Stoto, Georgetown University, USA
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Mary Heinricher, Oregon Health and Science University, USA
Awards and honors
Aula Magna Ingegneria - Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Award for scientific research and technological innovation.
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Soumaya Belmecheri, University of Arizona, USA
Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Lecture by Michael J. Maroney, University of Massachusetts,USA