Refresh Academy

A social business offering training for people who want to pursue a career in the ICT sector based on the values of diversity, inclusion and integration. Founded in 2024

Core business activities

Refresh Academy soc. coop. sociale is a social business offering training for people who want to pursue a career in the ICT sector. We aim at the growth of new talents and based our work on the values of diversity, inclusion and integration.

The role of Refresh Academy is to become a bridge between people who want to learn new skills and companies that are looking for new qualified personnel.

The primary objective is to offer participants high quality, interactive and hands-on courses that can prepare them for their first work experience. Companies that want to invest and innovate in technology can support them by financing scholarships and have the possibility of hiring our students at the end of the course.

Refresh Academy wants to break down the barriers of inequality and the gender gap, offering the opportunity to express their potential to people from groups less represented in the ICT sector or at risk of social exclusion.

Industrial sectors of reference

Service innovation

Main products and/or services

Refresh Academy offers training on ICT skills and roles among the most in-demand profiles. Our courses last 6 months and are conducted in a mixed in-person and on-line environment.

With our training methods and pedagogy we can develop not only technical skills, but also coach on soft-skills and attitudes to develop people's potential.
We create training experiences with active participation, by creating real life professional situations in a safe space and enabling personal growth through feedback.

Our next courses will include:

  • Web Developer: September 2024, March 2025
  • Data Analyst: March 2025
  • UX Designer
  • Cloud & Security

Registered Office and Operations

Viale Giuseppe Fanin 48 - 40127 Bologna


  • Sito Web
  • Email
  • PEC