Company founded in 2004

Principal prof. Vito Antonio Monaco

Business core

MEC was established in order to give job opportunities to young PhD students in TLC graduated in Bologna and Ferrara Universities. MEC has been able to exploit its own in-house knowledge in Microwave Electronics and Millimetre waves.

Moreover, it has been able to come up with innovative solutions for planning and realizing compound semiconductors in GaAs and GaN of MMIC–Monolitic Microwave Integrated Circuit for european and extraeuropeans smelters as: HPA–High Power Amplifier, LNA–Low Noice Amplifier, VCO-Voltage Controlled Oscillator, FC-Frequency Converter and also modules encompassing interconnected microcircuits (CHIP) for setting up high-frequency electronic systems needed for space and earth communication with high-speed transmission capacity. MEC has both designed and realized TLC components and systems for ASI - Agenzia Spaziale italiana, ESA - European Space Agency and many others TLC companies working in the space and defence sector. Furthermore, MEC has participated in several EU-funded research programs in cooperation with european and extra-european universities and companies. In particular, it has been partner of many compound semiconductors' smelters as UMS- United Monolithic Semiconductrors, Triquint, WIN Semiconductors.

Recently, MEC has been recognized as official designer by UMS-United Monolithic Semiconductors, a smelter company working on semiconductors in GaAs and GaN.

Reference industrial sector

Electronics for telecomunications.

Products and/or services

GaN products: TR-modules, high power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, switches, DC/DC converter; GaAs products: high power amplifiers, power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, frequency converters, switches, voltage controlled oscillators.

Registered office and headquarter

Via San Nicolò di Villola 1, 40127 Bologna


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phone +39 051 633340
e-mail Contact.mec