Apply by Mar 31 to the TF post-graduate training program! 2nd-cycle/Master students will collaborate to explore innovative technologies developed by research groups from local universities
Event location: ALMALABOR, Via Ugo Foscolo 7, Bologna - In presence and online event
Type: Improving your skills
Tech Forward is a post-graduate training programme addressed to Second-cycle/Master’s students. Its goal is to identify potential applications for innovative technologies developed at the Universities of Bologna, Ferrara, Modena e Reggio Emilia and Parma.
Second-cycle/Master's students of all departments from the partner universities. Participants will work in multi-university teams on a specific technology, testing and designing new potential market applications.
Throughout the programme, multidisciplinary teams will study innovative technologies to exploit their potential and develop solutions tailored to market needs.
The research teams behind the technologies (TECHPARTNERS) will guide and support the student teams throughout the entire process.
You can apply, after reading the call for applications, on Studenti online by 31 March 2025 at 10.00.
For all information read the call for applications attached.
Contact us if you need support:
Download the call
Read the call and all details
Read the operational indications to apply
The Tech Forward project is implemented thanks to the European Funds of the Emilia Romagna Region.
Action 1- Rif PA 2024-22855/RER, CUP J31J24003680002
Implementing Subjects