Secondments of academic researchers from UNIBO departments different from mathematics

Researcher willing to participate to the mobility have to apply to the call periodically published (1-2 times a year).

Info for selected researchers:

Please check whether you need a visa.The timing indicated below makes provision for the need of a visa. In the case that no visa is required, the timing may be shorter.

3-4 months before the visit

  • For PhD students
    PhD students should to obtain the authorization of the collegio docenti of their PhD course.
  • Visa application
    Please contact the host institution to check which VISA is required.
    If you need a financial document, please send to
     - the form for fundings declaration - pre-filled with your data - for the signature,
     - the declaration of the Director of your Department that you can participate to the GHAIA mobility project .
    Eventual taxes are not covered by GHAIA grant.

After obtaining the visa and setting the dates precisely

The selected researcher prepares and sends to the followings documents:

  1. application form (1), to commit him/herself to fulfil all the obligation of the project;
    Note: the trip is included in the secondment. So the mission start date is the start of the air travel, and the mission end date is the travel end date.
  2. declaration form (4) signed (if it has not already send to ghaia for obtaining the visa);

  3. health insurance;

  4. electronic flight ticket.

The competent office of the department of mathematics will

  • check the documents listed above.

Travel request

After the approval of the listed documents, the selected researcher can open a travel request via