Date: 25 JANUARY 2019
Event location: BOLOGNA Department of Mathematics - Room: Seminario I
Type: project meeting
Piazza di Porta San Donato 5
A.1 Introduction: Short introduction by the REA project officer, the Expert Reviewer and the Project Coordinator
A.2 Tour de table: Brief presentation of each participant
A.3 Coordinator's report: Presentation on the Mid-Term phase covering each of the following aspects (Management + scientific/training/dissemination achievements):
A.3.i Management:
Has the project fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period?
Were there deviations from the description of work (secondments organisation, participants responsibilities in terms of sending/hosting organisations, scientific/training/networking activities planned for the activities…?)
Which ones?
In which extend?
How it affects the project?
Which are the corrective actions proposed (already initiated)?
Which were more generally the difficulties encountered?
How is functioning the consortium? is the partnership agreement effective?
This first management/administration part is presented by the coordinator in presence of each participating organisation and their respective scientific in charge + ERs/ESR's
Coffee break
Question time and information on best practices (namely concerning reporting)
Exchanges between REA's PO and seconded experts (in absence of coordinators)
14:10 – 15:30
B.1 Scientific:
Scientific highlights of the work carried out so far
14.10 – 14.15 Overview of the work in WP1
14.15 – 14.30 Rita Fioresi: WP1 - Deliverable D1.1 - A preprint on the topic Infinite dimensional representation in supergroups
14.30 – 14.35 Overview of the work in WP2
14.35 – 14.50 Davide Barbieri: WP2 - Deliverable D2.1 - A preprint on the topic - Sampling in group invariant spaces
14.30 – 14.35 Overview of the work in WP3
14.55 – 15.10 Giovanna Citti: WP3 – Deliverable D3.1 - A preprint on the topic: Degenerate PDE
Additional results
15.10 – 15.20 Overview of the work in WP4 (Manuel Ritoré ) and WP5 (Alessandro Sarti)
Societal and economic potential impact: WP6
15.10 – 15.20 Marposs
15.20 – 15.30 GMV
15:30 – 16:45
B.2 Training,transfer of knowledge and networking:
15.30 – 15.35
Training achievements so far
15.35-45 Antonio Ricciardo
15.45-55 Annalisa Grossi
16.55-05 Serena Federico
16.05-15 Nikita Simonov
16.15-25 Dario Pighin
16.25-35 Rachele Luzi
16.35 – 16:45
Impact/added value for the researchers career
16:45 – 17:00
B.3 Dissemination and outreach activities:
Achievements so far
Unexpected opportunities (such as invitations entailing unforeseen publication, lecture…)
Impact on the project results