ENCODE Conference Multilingual and Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for Ancient Written Artefacts

La Conferenza si tiene il 2/11/2021, è aperta a tutti ed è collegata con un Workshop intensivo dal 3 al 5/11/2021. Il Workshop è riservato a 20 partecipanti (vedi avviso di selezione - scadenza 25/10)

The Papyrus of Ani (TM 134357 ) is one of the most impressive examples of the so-called Book of the Dead, a kind of guide to help deceased in the afterlife. It was acquired by the egyptologist Budge in the late nineteenth century and sold to the British Museum, where it is still kept today. Dated to the 19th Dynasty and written in cursive hieroglyphs for the scribe Ani, it is particularly well-known for its colorful illustrations and its size (over 23 metres long, now cut in 37 sheets).https://www.trismegistos.org/index_gallery.php?tex_id=134357
  • Data: 02 NOVEMBRE 2021  dalle 13:30 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: KULeuven - Evento online

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Programma della Conferenza

13:30 Welcome (Mark Depauw & Tom Gheldof)
13:45 An overview of Multilingual & Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for Ancient Written Artefacts (Tom Gheldof)


14.20 Virtual coffee break


14:30 The Trismegistos platform: from database of Graeco-Roman Egypt to an interdisciplinary portal of the Ancient World (Mark Depauw)
15:20 The MPIWG Library Digital Infrastructure + RISE and SHINE: an APIbased Infrastructure for Multilingual Textual Resources (Kim Pham & Pascal Belouin)


16.00 Virtual coffee break

16:10 Papryi.info: Accomplishments and Challenges (James Cowey)
16:50 CapiTainS: How the Formulae - Litterae - Chartae Project uses the CapiTainS suite to publish its data (Matthew Munson)
17:30 Conclusion on issues and challenges of maintaining digital infrastructures (Tom Gheldof)