
SynInflow is a ready to use OpenFOAM boundary condition which allows to generate and apply synthetic turbulent fields as inflow condition for scale resolving simulations (e.g. homogeneous anisotropic turbulence, atmospheric boundary layer flows, etc). 

The adopted inflow generation method provides control over the turbulence intensity of the three velocity components and allows a good control over the nine integral length scales. The generated inflows can be easily modified by the user without editing the source code. SynInflow also incorporates velocity corrections able to strongly alleviate the insurgence of spurious pressure fluctuations, often encountered when using synthetic inflows. SynInflow also provides basic support to allows for time-variability of the applied velocity field.

The present boundary condition can be seen as the union of two components: an inflow generation method (PRFG3 [1]) and an inflow correction procedure (VBIC [2]). More details in the included documentation.


[1] A systematic approach to the generation of synthetic turbulence using spectral methods. L. Patruno, M. Ricci. Comp Meth App Mech Eng, 340, 881-904, 2018.

[2] Unsteady inflow conditions: A variationally based solution to the insurgence of pressure fluctuations. L. Patruno, S. de Miranda. Comp Meth App Mech Eng, 363, 112894, 2020.