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09 MAY 2024

Philosophies of preservation in Italy and Japan. A comparison between heritage cultures.

Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici "Umberto Eco" - Via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

International conference.

20 DECEMBER 2023

The Japanese art of flowers: a workshop on Kohrinka (Ikebana Okada-style)

Online event

By Master Yamate.

15 DECEMBER 2023

The art of calligraphy in Japan

Sala Magna Charta - Museo di Palazzo Poggi, via Zamboni 33, Bologna - In presence and online event

With Giovanni Gamberi (Centro Studi d'Arte Estremo Orientale, Bologna). In collaboration with SMA-Sistema Museale d'Ateneo.

27 JUNE 2023

Body-to-body. A comparison of operators and puppets in Sicilian 'Opera dei Pupi' and Japanese Bunraku.

sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26 - In presence and online event

With Rosario Perricone (International Museum of Puppets "Antonio Pasqualino", Palermo) and Matteo Casari (University of Bologna).

07 JUNE 2023

Watanabe Seitei (1851-1918), a great artist bridging Japan and Europe.

sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26 - In presence and online event

With Giovanni Peternolli (University of Bologna).

31 MAY 2023

About a Cultural Property. Shinsenkyo, a Site of National Scenic Beauty.

Online event

With Makoto Motonaka (National Institute for Research on Cultural Assets, Japan).

24 MAY 2023

Hiroshige: a poetics of the ephemeral.

Online event

With Silvia Zimemrmann del Castillo (Mokichi Okada Chair On Beauty).

12 DECEMBER 2022

From contemplation to the art of play and learning. Japanese prints for children between the Edo and Meiji eras.

Sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26 - In presence and online event

Lecture by Manuela Moscatiello, Cernuschi Museum, Paris.

01 JUNE 2022

Forms of Ma

Japan tea ceremony, with Grand Master Tessin Kobayashi

sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26

Senior Tea Master of Kankyu-An school of tea ceremony

01 JUNE 2022

Forms of Ma

Forms of "ma" 間. A fundamental concept in Japanese culture.

Sala Rossa, Via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

Third cycle of Mokichi Okada Lectures.

18 MAY 2022

Forms of Ma

“Non-empty”. Contents and functions in Oriental architecture, with Olimpia Niglio

Sala Rossa, Via Marsala 26, Bologna

followed by a conversation between Olimpia Niglio and Giovanni Peternolli

27 APRIL 2022

Forms of Ma

Listening to ma. Sounds, silence and interstices in Japanese music, with Andrea Giolai

Lecture for the cycle 'The forms of ma'