Find out about the events we participate in around the world - and in Italy - and the events we organize at the University of Bologna.

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Eventi in corso o in programma

19 MAY
21 MAY 2022


BIT-ACT at the 16th Organization Studies Workshop

Chania, Greece

17 MAY 2022


Democracy and security in Ukraine: Unpacking local resilience and prospects for reconstruction

Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy - Online event

17 MAY 2022


Alice Mattoni to present the BIT-ACT early findings at the University of Siena

Centre for the Study of Political Change - University of Siena

09 MAY 2022


Fighting corruption with civic innovation: material and symbolic challenges of organizing data-enabled activism

Università di Pisa

06 MAY 2022


Citizens and their bots that sniff corruption: Using digital media to expose politicians who misuse public money

Online event

28 APRIL 2022


The Wave of Mobilizations in Algeria

Online event

07 APRIL 2022


Citizens and their bots that sniff corruption: Using digital media to expose politicians who misuse public money

Palmer House, Floor: 7th Floor, Sandburg 8, Chicago, USA - In presence and online event

Fernanda Odilla and Clarissa Santos Veloso present at the 79th Midwest Political Science Association conference in Chicago.

07 APRIL 2022


Strategic Corruption and the entanglement of Russian and Western Elites

University of East Anglia - Online event

A talk about corruption, society, and the economy in times of conflict with Oksana Huss and others.

24 MARCH 2022


Strategic Corruption as a Threat to Security: War in Ukraine

Online event

Oksana Huss joins the online roundtable "War in Ukraine" organized by the Centre for Global Cooperation Research and the University of Duisburg-Essen.

23 FEBRUARY 2022


Fighting corruption “from below” in times of regime’s change. Civil society between State and transnational actors in Tunisia and Algeria

Aula Romei, Via de Bersaglieri 6, Bologna - In presence and online event

Ester Sigillò presents at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna

19 JANUARY 2022


Workshop on Digital Media and Anti-Corruption

Online event

16 DECEMBER 2021


Anticorruption, Transparency and Transnational Activism

Zoom - Online event

Fabrizio Scrollini (Latin American Open Data Initiative, Executive Director); Jan Strozyk (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Data Editor); Ida Nowers (Whistleblowing International Network, Law and Policy Coordinator). Discussant: Julia Rone (Cambridge University)