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06 JUNE 2024


New Frontiers in Digital Field Archaeology. Reshaping Practices through Digital Strategies

Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Aula Gambi - In presence and online event

Register online:

01 OCTOBER 2021

Research activity

Here we go!

The Outgoing phase of the BiGAr project starts now! Marco Cavalazzi will be a visiting scholar at the department of Classical Studies of the University of Michigan. During the first 3 months of the project he will collaborate with the Gabii research team, in order to start the training planned

23 JULY 2022

Excavation and field work

Gabii Excavation

The BiGAr Project will be involved in the Gabii Project, year 2022. This excavation will also offer a field program for students and volunteers in 2022; the program will run from June 19 until July 23, 2022.

15 JUNE 2022


The BiGAr project includes a secondment period at the University of Minho,that will end in June 2022. The aim is to learn BIM technologies and collaborate with the BIM A + team!

04 MAY
06 MAY 2022


4º Congresso Português de ‘Building Information Modelling’

Rua de São Domingos, 94 – 4710-435 Braga, Portugal

The BIM A+ team of the University of Minho will organize in Braga, in collaboration with the University of Porto and the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon the 4th Congresso Português de ‘Building Information Modelling’. We will attend too!

02 DECEMBER 2021

Hybrid FAST Lecture | Living around a Byzantine Capital

Marco Cavalazzi presents the case-studies of the BiGAr project with a lecture of the Field Archaeology Series of the Department of Classical Studies and the Kelsey Museum. The title is: Living around a Byzantine Capital: Ravenna and Its Hinterland after the End of the Roman Period