History of Palaeontology - Museology

Studying the history of paleontology and how the great minds of the past set the foundations of our work is a fundamental prerogative of our research group.

'Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look' - James Burke


We live in a time when technology and collaboration between scientists working in very different disciplines are literally rewriting everything we know about the history of our planet. Although paleontology is a relatively recent discipline and one of those that is changing the most, its history and the story of the great minds of the past that shaped our profession cannot be neglected. 

The Geological Collection "Giovanni Capellini Museum" with its rich collections and its centuries-old history has always represented a reference point for all those interested in the study of the past. For five centuries the history of Geology and Paleontology has been linked to this museum, which has been open to the public and researchers from all over the world since 1881. Vertebrates, invertebrates, scientific models, geological samples, documents: a treasure that we are rediscovering and that we want to share on a national and international level, also by offering students the possibility to be part of this renaissance.  For many years, our research group has benefited from collaborations with the University Museum Network which represents one of the national excellences in the field of protection and enhancement of scientific heritage.


  • Front of the Geological Collection "Giovanni Capellini Museum"

  • Diplodocus, before and after

  • Proboscidean hall

  • New exhibit in the Diplodocus hall

  • Caricature of Giovanni Capellini, late 19th century

  • Orcinus citoniensis

  • Mosasaur

  • Forams, historical collection