Main objectives of the challenge

Main Objectives of the 2025 Challenge


The case study area is located within the KTH Campus in Stockholm, Sweden. The challenge invites participants to transform a currently underutilised space on this campus into a dynamic and vibrant environment, where both design and function can evolve in harmony.

The main objective of this year’s UrbanFarm challenge is to transform this gravelled, neglected space into a multidisciplinary area that incorporates sustainable agricultural activities fostering a space for social engagement and recreation. The goal is to shed its current stigma of abandonment.

The area should be redesigned to create a hub that stimulates social engagement, productivity and creativity, benefiting students, researchers, staff and external stakeholders. Additionally, it should also capture the attention of the broader public.  Proposals will be evaluated based on their solutions for growing systems, climate management, water and nutrient strategies, integrated pest management, and other sustainable agricultural practices as means to revitalise the case study area.  

Here are some points of inspiration to help guide the design concepts: 


  1. Space requalification 
  2. Activate the area 
  3. Increase the safety of the area
  4. Attract more people to this part of campus 
  5. Provide new services for campus and students 
  6. Increase social integration and campus collaboration 
  7. Food production, recycling, composting 
  8. Design a sustainable meeting space 
  9. Think of a space filled with innovation and research