The main goal of this project is to educate and socialize young and old people by providing the opportunity to make agriculture.
In order to be independent from outside facilities, we will provide many inputs such as fertilization, energy production, water, food and beverages. We will contribute to the economy with all kinds of vegetables and fruits grown in 9 thematic greenhouses, and we will allow people to see the growing phase of them. We will evaluate the products we make: edible flowers, sugar, soap, herbal tea, and spices as well as oil production, winemaking and visual presentations. We are developing our greenhouses with CO2 fertilization, green fertilization (by self-produced soy and vetch) and aquaponic systems. For energy, solar panels and bicycles that generate electricity in the gym will be installed.
Congress center will attract international visitors. There will be playgrounds and agriculture training areas to introduce children to agriculture. In order to raise awareness about autism, individuals with autism will be employed in some of the greenhouses with high job security.