On this page, you may find some useful insights in the UNITE agenda, from where we started to where we are going. You may find constant updates about our progresses and initiatives below.
Key takeaways from the project were discussed at the 25th International AItLA Congress in Macerata.
The UNITE project was presented at the conference Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business Communication and Discourse from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Emerging Trends, Concerns, and Learning Opportunities.
Insights from the annotation of errors in chatbot-learner interactions were presented at the 2025 GISCEL SLI Workshop.
The process of adding structural and contextual annotation to the interactions was finalized.
A panel featuring all three research units was held at the International SHAI Conference in Naples to present UNITE’s current initiatives and future objectives.
Preliminary insights from UNITE were discussed at BarCamp 2024 - Artificial Intelligence
in Language Education.
The UNITE project was presented at POSS 2024 in Turin.
Updates on the UNITE corpus were presented at the 7th International Learner Corpus Research Conference in Tartu.
Insights from the UNITE project were discussed at the 3rd International ELT Conference in Ferrara.
Updates on UNITE were presented at the 16th Teaching and Language Corpora conference in Manchester.
Preliminary results from UNITE were presented at the IX DILLE congress in Matera.
University of Napoli "L'Orientale": the first experimental session with students was carried out online, through Microsoft Teams. It involved students from the Political Science and Archeology departments.
University of Bologna: the first experimental session with students was carried out at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì Campus)
University of Macerata: the first experimental session with students was carried out at the Department of Primary Education Sciences.
A survey about existing chatbots was carried out among students of the University of Bologna to investigate their prior knowledge on chatbots and conversational agents.
The tasks to be carried out by each student throughout the test were defined and detailed instructions for participants were prepared.
A questionnaire for students’ assessment and opinions about the interaction with the chatbots was drafted and fine-tuned.
A completed version of the experimental protocol was drafted to define the procedures to be followed during the experimental sessions.
Methods for the recruitment of volunteering students were discussed.
An array of existing chatbots was drafted, in order to select the chatbots that will be taken into consideration throughout the experimental sessions.
Procedures for the anonymization of collected data were defined.
Several existing chatbots were pinpointed and tested, in order to edit a comprehensive list of the ones available at the present day.
Research gaps in previous literature were identified.
Privacy and bioethics matters and committees were defined.
Bibliographical references for the systematic review were collected and classified.
The UNITE project was launched.