Sala IR-2A
Quantum effects in gravity from a delocalised quantum source
Sala IR-2A
New Physics in the 3rd family: current status and future prospects
Quantum gases in low-dimensional curved geometries
Sala IR-2A
Stochastic Dark Matter production
Sala IR-2A
Hydrodynamic attractors in ultracold atoms
Sala IR-2A
Lorentzian path integrals in bouncing cosmological scenarios
Releasing the Cosmological Tensions
Sala IR-1A (Unusual room)
Gravitational collapse, cosmic waves and almost spherical cows
Thermal Leptogenesis in the Minimal Gauged U(1)Lmu-Ltau
Sala IR-1A (Unusual room)
Inflationary magnetogenesis: Effects due to non-trivial dynamics
Sala IR-1A
A+A mass flow method for master integrals around non-analytic points
Sala IR-2A
Some gravitational aspects of scalar field dark matter