Research Associates

Dr Lorenzo Vianelli

Dr Lorenzo Vianelli

Junior Assistant Professor at the Department of History and Cultures - University of Bologna (Italy)

His work contributes to the fields of political geography and critical border and migration studies. His research interests concern the spatial, temporal and material dimensions of refugee reception, the transformations affecting border policies and practices, and the struggle between practices of mobility and attempts to govern them.


Dr Richard Carter-White

Dr Richard Carter-White

Senior Lecturer at the Macquarie School of Social Sciences (Australia)

His research interests lie at the intersection of cultural and political geography, coalescing into three main themes: i) geographies of disaster, trauma and exception; ii) geographies of representation, testimony and performance; and iii) spatial philosophies of community, biopolitics and affect. These themes are united by his interest in poststructuralism and deconstruction.

Dr Alexandra Rijke

Dr Alexandra Rijke

Lecturer at the Cultural Geography group - Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)

She is a lecturer at the Cultural Geography group. Her research activities analyse the daily geographies of militarized/walled borders, focusing on the Middle East and the Balkans.

Lucija Klun

Lucija Klun

PhD Student at the Faculty of Education - University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Her work contributes to the field research of “childhoods on the move” – childhoods lived by children during protracted migration through the European Borderlands, with a focus on the Balkan Route. During her studies she participated in various projects, concerned with researching and exceeding marginalization of social groups, based on ethnicity, social status, and other involuntary attributes.