Core team

Professor Claudio Minca

Professor Claudio Minca

Principal Investigator

He is a cultural geographer with a strong interest in social and political theory. His research projects have focused on the geographies of  tourism and travel, and recently on camp and carceral geographies, with a particular focus on the Balkan region.

Dr Ettore Asoni

Dr Ettore Asoni

Research Fellow

He holds a PhD in Geography from San Diego State University and University of California, Santa Barbara. In his work, he adopts a legal-geographic perspective to examine the spatial and territorial dynamics that underpin regimes of (im) mobility, mainly in the context of immigration and border control.


Dr Valeria Raimondi

Dr Valeria Raimondi

Research Fellow

She is a political geographer, with an interdisciplinary approach at the crossroads of urban and political geography, as well as critical border, migration, and citizenship studies. Her research interests revolve around temporary reception of migrants in Europe, focusing on migrant solidarity and activism, squatting, self-organisation and cohabitation.


Dr Viki Mladenova

Dr Viki Mladenova

Research Fellow

She holds a PhD in International Studies from L’Orientale University in Naples, Italy. Beside carrying out ethnographic research along the Balkan Route, and in particular in the so-called ‘Southern Balkan invisible spatialities’, she has strong research attachment to biopolitics and critical legal studies. She also worked as a project research assistant at Refugee Law and Migration Center - Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, Skopje, and Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

Dr Vasiliki Makrygianni

Research Fellow

She has a background in Architecture Engineering and her PhD thesis focuses on global/world cities and migrants’ emancipatory and innovative practices. Her current primary research areas include critical urban theory, feminist methodologies and theory of intersectionality and migration studies.

Dr Yolanda Weima

Dr Yolanda Weima

Research Fellow

Yolanda is a feminist political geographer specialized in forced migration studies. She holds a PhD from York University (Canada). Within TheGame project she focuses on the archipelago of formal camps (transit centres, reception centres, etc.), examining and theorizing their spatialities, temporalities, the power relations that produce them and that they produce, their relation to informal mobilities, as well as everyday life in such camps.


Roberta Gentili

Roberta Gentili

PhD Candidate

She holds a M.A. in International Relations. Her PhD project focuses on the role of informal spaces produced by migrants during their mobility towards Europe, particularly in Northern Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Emma Beatrice Farina

Emma Beatrice Farina

PhD Candidate

Emma is a Phd Candidate in Global Histories, Cultures and Politics (39th cycle) at the Department of History and Cultures. Her aim is to investigate the material culture of contemporary migration flows and makeshift camps on the Balkan Route employing archaeological methodologies.

Shahid Aziz

Shahid Aziz

Interpreter and Mediator

He is a professional cultural mediator, translator and interpreter – specialising in the translation between Italian and many different Asian languages and viceversa. He has been collaborating for years with several international and European organisations.